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How to change style on an element?
How to change style on an element? Between CSS and javascript is a weird symmetry. CSS style rules are layed on top of the DOM. The CSS property names like "font-weight" are transliterated into "myElement.style.fontWeight". The class of an element can be swapped out. For example: document.getElement...
2011-05-31, 4066👍, 0💬

How To Create a Top Left Corner Image with a Fading Color
How To Create a Top Left Corner Image with a Fading Color? - PSP Tutorials - Fading Images to Background Colors with PSP If you want to put background image to the top left corner of your Web page, you need to fad the right lower part of the image to the background color. The tutorial below tells yo...
2007-05-12, 6224👍, 0💬

How To Download and install PSP Evaluation
How To Download and install PSP Evaluation? - PSP Tutorials - Fading Images to Background Colors with PSP Go to http://www.jasc.com/ Download an evaluation copy of Paint Shop Pro 6.0 Evaluation - psp602ev.exe (about 14,580KB) Run psp602ev.exe and install it at \psp Run \psp\psp.exe. If you see this ...
2007-05-12, 7369👍, 0💬

How To Specify Two Background Images on a Page
How To Specify Two Background Images on a Page? - CSS Tutorials - Page Layout and Background Image Design If you want to add more than one image to your page background, you can use multiple nested DIV tags. Let's say you want to add one background image to the top left corner, and another one to th...
2007-05-12, 7431👍, 0💬

How To Fade Image Edges to Background Colors
How To Fade Image Edges to Background Colors? - PSP Tutorials - Fading Images to Background Colors with PSP If you have an image on your Web page, you may want to fade the image to the background color on the edges. You can follow the tutorial below to fad the bottom edge to the background color: Fo...
2007-05-12, 11646👍, 0💬

How To Blend a Color Layer to a Image
How To Blend a Color Layer to a Image? - PSP Tutorials - Fading Images to Background Colors with PSP Let's say you has an image and you want to use it as the background for your Web page. But the image is too bright to be used as a background. You can follow the steps below to blend a color layer to...
2007-05-12, 7219👍, 0💬

How To Create an Image with Text
How To Create an Image with Text? - PSP Tutorials - Fading Images to Background Colors with PSP You can follow the steps below to create a new image with some text: Go to menu: File > New. You will get the New Image dialog box. Enter Width: 728; Height: 90; Background color: White. Click OK. You wil...
2007-05-12, 5692👍, 0💬

How To Add Margins to an Image
How To Add Margins to an Image? - PSP Tutorials - Fading Images to Background Colors with PSP In order to adding effects to an image, sometimes you need to add margins to the image first. You can follow the steps below to add black margins to an image: Go to http://lettres.ac-rouen.fr/ and download ...
2007-05-12, 6230👍, 0💬

What Is Paint Shop Pro
What Is Paint Shop Pro? - PSP Tutorials - Fading Images to Background Colors with PSP Paint Shop Pro (PSP) is a bitmap graphics editor and vector graphics editor. PSP is a major competition to Adobe Photoshop. PSP was originally published by Minneapolis-based Jasc Software, in early 1992. In October...
2007-05-12, 6664👍, 0💬

How To Specify Is the Color of the Margin Area
How To Specify Is the Color of the Margin Area? - CSS Tutorials - HTML Formatting Model: Block, Inline and Floating Elements CSS doesn't allow you to specify the color of the margin area of a block element. The color of the margin area is transparent. It means that the background color or background...
2007-05-11, 5386👍, 0💬

How To Set Page Width Relative To the Browser Width
How To Set Page Width Relative To the Browser Width? - CSS Tutorials - Page Layout and Background Image Design The easiest way to set your page width is to not set any page width. Your page width will be equal to the browser window's width minus margins. If you want to try this, you can enter the fo...
2007-05-11, 5352👍, 0💬

What Is the Text Paragraph Formatting Model
What Is the Text Paragraph Formatting Model? - CSS Tutorials - HTML Formatting Model: Block, Inline and Floating Elements A text paragraph is divided into lines to for a stack of line boxes. Each line box is a rectangular with a line height and sharing the same width as the content box of the enclos...
2007-05-11, 6373👍, 0💬

How Floating Elements Are Formatted
How Floating Elements Are Formatted? - CSS Tutorials - Understanding Multiple Element Formatting Rules A floating element is a block element or in-line element being specified with the "float" style property. If "float: left" is specified, a floating element will be formatted at the left margin of t...
2007-05-11, 5188👍, 0💬

Hot To Specify the Padding Spaces of a Block Element
Hot To Specify the Padding Spaces of a Block Element? - CSS Tutorials - HTML Formatting Model: Block, Inline and Floating Elements CSS offers 4 style properties to control padding spaces of a block element. You can specify them in different ways as shown in the following CSS examples: {padding-top: ...
2007-05-11, 5175👍, 0💬

How To Position Background Images
How To Position Background Images? - CSS Tutorials - Page Layout and Background Image Design In the previous exercise, the background image is repeated on the entire background area of the DIV tag. If you want to have one copy of the image at the bottom right corner, you need to use background-repea...
2007-05-11, 5403👍, 0💬

What Are White Spaces in HTML Documents
What Are White Spaces in HTML Documents? - CSS Tutorials - Understanding Multiple Element Formatting Rules White spaces are combinations of continuous white space characters: " " - The space character. "\t " - The tab character. "\n " - The new line character. "\r " - The carriage return character.
2007-05-11, 5267👍, 0💬

How Is the Width a Parent Element Related to Child Elements
How Is the Width a Parent Element Related to Child Elements? - CSS Tutorials - Understanding Multiple Element Formatting Rules If child block elements are enclosed in a parent block element, the width of the parent element is related to child block elements based on the following rules: The full wid...
2007-05-11, 7091👍, 0💬

How Are Vertical Margins between Two Block Elements Collapsed
How Are Vertical Margins between Two Block Elements Collapsed? - CSS Tutorials - Understanding Multiple Element Formatting Rules The margins between two block elements will be collapsed into one margin. The taller margin stays. And the shorter margin disappears. The tutorial HTML and CSS document be...
2007-05-11, 6650👍, 0💬

What Happens to Multiple White Spaces in In-line Elements
What Happens to Multiple White Spaces in In-line Elements? - CSS Tutorials - Understanding Multiple Element Formatting Rules If there is a sequence of multiple white spaces and it is broken into pieces in different in-line elements, it will collapsed into the first white space on the left hand side,...
2007-05-11, 5084👍, 0💬

How Are the Parent Padding Spaces Collapsed with the Child Margins
How Are the Parent Padding Spaces Collapsed with the Child Margins? - CSS Tutorials - Understanding Multiple Element Formatting Rules If child block element is enclosed in a parent block element, the vertical margins of the child element could be collapsed with the padding spaces of the parent eleme...
2007-05-11, 5737👍, 0💬

What Needs To Be Considered When Designing Page Layout
What Needs To Be Considered When Designing Page Layout? - CSS Tutorials - Page Layout and Background Image Design There are a number of technical issues you need to consider when designing Web pages: Screen resolution - How many graphical points per inch on a computer screen? Browser resolution - Ho...
2007-05-11, 5930👍, 0💬

What Are the Background Properties of a Block Element
What Are the Background Properties of a Block Element? - CSS Tutorials - HTML Formatting Model: Block, Inline and Floating Elements The background of a block element can be formatted in different ways: Transparent to show the background of the parent element. Non-transparent background with a specif...
2007-05-11, 5222👍, 0💬

Hot To Test Borders with Different Widths, Styles, and Colors
Hot To Test Borders with Different Widths, Styles, and Colors? - CSS Tutorials - HTML Formatting Model: Block, Inline and Floating Elements If you want test borders on all 4 sides of a <P> tag with different widths, styles and colors, you can use the following HTML and CSS document. It allows...
2007-05-11, 5450👍, 0💬

What Happen to Images with Absolute Page Width Units
What Happen to Images with Absolute Page Width Units? - CSS Tutorials - Page Layout and Background Image Design If you set your page width to absolute length units like inches, what will happen to image sizes? Usually, images have relative length units like pixels. If you include large images on you...
2007-05-11, 5208👍, 0💬

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