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What Are the Main Differences between Atom 1.0 and RSS 2.0
What Are the Main Differences between Atom 1.0 and RSS 2.0? - RSS FAQs - Introduction to RSS (Really Simple Syndication) Basics Main differences between Atom 1.0 and RSS 2.0: Atom has separate "summary" and "content" elements, while RSS only has one "description" element. Atom standardizes auto-disc...
2007-05-12, 5506👍, 0💬

How Many Versions of RSS Language Standards
How Many Versions of RSS Language Standards? - RSS FAQs - Introduction to RSS (Really Simple Syndication) Basics RSS is relatively new. Many versions have been developed in recent years: RSS 0.90 - The earliest known version of RSS released to the public by Netscape in 1999. RSS 0.90 is based on RDF...
2007-05-12, 5786👍, 0💬

What Is the Relation between RSS and XML
What Is the Relation between RSS and XML? - RSS FAQs - Introduction to RSS (Really Simple Syndication) Basics XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a generic markup language to organize generic information into a structured document with embedded tags. RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is an extension o...
2007-05-12, 5862👍, 0💬

What Is RSS (Really Simple Syndication)
What Is RSS (Really Simple Syndication)? - RSS FAQs - Introduction to RSS (Really Simple Syndication) Basics RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is technology that can be used on Websites to syndicate and distribute frequently updated content via news aggregators. Syndication benefits both users and pub...
2007-05-12, 5631👍, 0💬

What Is the Icon for RSS and Atom
What Is the Icon for RSS and Atom? - RSS FAQs - Introduction to RSS (Really Simple Syndication) Basics The Web browser and Website syndication industry has adopted a standard icon to identify syndicated content as shown below:            
2007-05-12, 5350👍, 0💬

What RSS 2.0 Files Look Like
What RSS 2.0 Files Look Like? - RSS FAQs - Introduction to RSS (Really Simple Syndication) Basics A RSS 2.0 file looks like the sample RSS 2.0 document below: <?xml version="1.0"?> <rss version="2.0"> <channel> <title>Developer FAQs, Tips and T...
2007-05-12, 5436👍, 0💬

What Is Atom
What Is Atom? - RSS FAQs - Introduction to RSS (Really Simple Syndication) Basics Atom is an XML-based document format that describes lists of related information known as "feeds". Feeds are composed of a number of items, known as "entries", each with an extensible set of attached metadata. For exam...
2007-05-12, 5728👍, 0💬

What Atom 1.0 Files Look Like
What Atom 1.0 Files Look Like? - RSS FAQs - Introduction to RSS (Really Simple Syndication) Basics An Atom 1.0 file looks like the sample Atom 1.0 document below: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/ Atom"><title>Atom F...
2007-05-12, 5430👍, 0💬

How To Tell Web Browsers That Your Web Pages Have Atom Feeds
How To Tell Web Browsers That Your Web Pages Have Atom Feeds? - RSS FAQs - Atom Feed Introduction and File Generation One way to tell Web browsers that your Web pages have Atom Feed files is to add a "link" tag in the header section of your Web pages. The "link" tag defines a "link" element with 4 a...
2007-05-12, 5324👍, 0💬

What Happens When FireFox Knows a Web Page Has Atom Feeds
What Happens When FireFox Knows a Web Page Has Atom Feeds? - RSS FAQs - Atom Feed Introduction and File Generation When you use a FireFox browser visiting a Web page that has an Atom feed define, FireFox will display a "live bookmark" icon in the status bar. You can click the "live bookmark" to add ...
2007-05-12, 5757👍, 0💬

How To Create an Add-to-My-Yahoo Button on Your Website
How To Create an Add-to-My-Yahoo Button on Your Website? - RSS FAQs - Adding Your Feeds to RSS News Readers and Aggregators If you like the "Add to My Yahoo" button showing on this site, you can create one for your own Web site by following the tutorial exercise below: 1. Create an RSS Atom 1.0 feed...
2007-05-12, 18315👍, 0💬

How To Create an Add-to-Netvibes Button on Your Website
How To Create an Add-to-Netvibes Button on Your Website? - RSS FAQs - Adding Your Feeds to RSS News Readers and Aggregators If you like the "Add to Netvibes" button showing on this site, you can create one for your own Web site by following the tutorial exercise below: 1. Create an RSS Atom 1.0 feed...
2007-05-12, 8937👍, 0💬

How To Create an Add-to-NewsGator Button on Your Website
How To Create an Add-to-NewsGator Button on Your Website? - RSS FAQs - Adding Your Feeds to RSS News Readers and Aggregators If you like the "Add to NewsGator" button showing on this site, you can create one for your own Web site by following the tutorial exercise below: 1. Create an RSS Atom 1.0 fe...
2007-05-12, 7048👍, 0💬

How To Create an Add-to-Google-Reader Button on Your Website
How To Create an Add-to-Google-Reader Button on Your Website? - RSS FAQs - Adding Your Feeds to RSS News Readers and Aggregators If you like the "Add to Google Reader" button showing on this site, you can create one for your own Web site by following the tutorial exercise below: 1. Create an RSS Ato...
2007-05-12, 6836👍, 0💬

How Many Document Types Are Defined for Atom Feed Files
How Many Document Types Are Defined for Atom Feed Files? - RSS FAQs - Atom Feed File Structure and Elements There are 2 document types defined for Atom feed files: Atom Feed Document - Representing an Atom feed, including metadata about the feed, and some or all of the entries associated with it. It...
2007-05-12, 5139👍, 0💬

How To Create an Add-to-Bloglines Button on Your Website
How To Create an Add-to-Bloglines Button on Your Website? - RSS FAQs - Adding Your Feeds to RSS News Readers and Aggregators If you like the "Add to Bloglines" button showing on this site, you can create one for your own Web site by following the tutorial exercise below: 1. Create an RSS Atom 1.0 fe...
2007-05-12, 9583👍, 0💬

What Is the Structure of Atom Feed Documents
What Is the Structure of Atom Feed Documents? - RSS FAQs - Atom Feed File Structure and Elements An Atom feed document must have a root element called "feed". Within in the "feed" element, one or more "entry" elements are enclosed. The high level structure of an Atom feed document looks like: &l...
2007-05-12, 5306👍, 0💬

How To Tell Visitors That You Have Atom Syndication Feeds
How To Tell Visitors That You Have Atom Syndication Feeds? - RSS FAQs - Atom Feed Introduction and File Generation There are several ways you can tell your visitors that you have Atom syndication feeds available on your Web site: Showing your syndication feed URLs as hyper links with the Atom syndic...
2007-05-12, 5290👍, 0💬

What Are the Main Differences between Atom 1.0 and RSS 2.0
What Are the Main Differences between Atom 1.0 and RSS 2.0? - RSS FAQs - Atom Feed Introduction and File Generation Main differences between Atom 1.0 and RSS 2.0: Atom has separate "summary" and "content" elements, while RSS only has one "description" element. Atom standardizes auto-discovery in con...
2007-05-12, 5121👍, 0💬

What Happens If Your Atom Feed Fails the Validation
What Happens If Your Atom Feed Fails the Validation? - RSS FAQs - Atom Feed Introduction and File Generation If your Atom feed file fails the w3.org validator, you will get an error message explaining where the error is in your feed file. The tutorial exercise below shows you a good example. Try to ...
2007-05-12, 5655👍, 0💬

Is There Any XSD File to Validate Atom Feed Files
Is There Any XSD File to Validate Atom Feed Files? - RSS FAQs - Atom Feed Introduction and File Generation A XSD (XML Schema Definition) file contains a set of definitions of XML elements and attributes to form a new XML based language. The same DTD file can be used to validate XML files that comply...
2007-05-12, 7249👍, 0💬

Is There Any DTD File to Validate Atom Feed Files
Is There Any DTD File to Validate Atom Feed Files? - RSS FAQs - Atom Feed Introduction and File Generation A DTD (Document Type Definitions) file contains a set of definitions of XML elements and attributes to form a new XML based language. The same DTD file can be used to validate XML files that co...
2007-05-12, 5381👍, 0💬

What Is the MIME Type Definition for Atom Files
What Is the MIME Type Definition for Atom Files? - RSS FAQs - Atom Feed Introduction and File Generation Atom files have its own MIME type definition as: MIME type: application/atom+xml File extension: .atom, .xml Type of format: Syndication Extended from: XML
2007-05-12, 5571👍, 0💬

How To Generate a Feed Entry summary Element
How To Generate a Feed Entry summary Element? - RSS FAQs - Atom Feed File Structure and Elements The <summary> element is not a required sub-element of the <entry> element. But it is strongly recommended that you provide a summary element for each of your feed entries. Yo...
2007-05-12, 5366👍, 0💬

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