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How do you update 100 rows with single query with variable data populating each row ?
2014-09-19, 2645👍, 0💬

Convert Windows login to SQL login
how will you convert windows authentication mode to sql server mode?
2014-09-15, 2125👍, 0💬

What happened to SQL*Menu?
What happened to SQL*Menu? From Forms V4.5, SQL*Menu is fully integrated into Oracle Forms. Application menus can be added to your application by creating Menu Modules (*.MMB) and generate it to Menu Module Executables (*.MMX).
2011-04-26, 4466👍, 0💬

Why doesn't my messages show on the screen?
Why doesn't my messages show on the screen? Regardless of whether you call the MESSAGE() built-in with ACKNOWLEDGE, NO_ACKNOWLEDGE, or with no mode specification at all, your message may or may not be displayed. This is because messages are displayed asynchronously. To display messages immediately, ...
2011-04-19, 4217👍, 0💬

Can one issue DDL statements from Forms?
Can one issue DDL statements from Forms? DDL (Data Definition Language) commands like CREATE, DROP and ALTER are not directly supported from Forms because your Forms are not suppose to manipulate the database structure. A statement like CREATE TABLE X (A DATE); will result in error: Encountered the ...
2011-04-05, 5253👍, 0💬

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