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Oracle PL/SQL Questions
1. What is normalization. 2. Difference between procedure and functions. 3. Oracle 9i Vs 10g. 4. how to improve the performance of a query. 5. %type vs %rowtype. 6. regression testing. 7. deleting the duplicate records without using rowid in oracle. 8. Row chaining. 9. types of cursors.
2024-08-10, 8246👍, 4💬

💬 2021-02-10 Karthik: Hi, I just read your articles and we decided that we need backlinks from you so please go through the link for our article. Than...

How do you update 100 rows with single query with variable data populating each row ?
2014-09-19, 2704👍, 0💬

How does one create a custom toolbar?
How does one create a custom toolbar? Create a new block, let's name it "TOOLBAR" and a canvas named "C_TOOLBAR" (for ilustration purposes). Put some iconic buttons on your canvas. Use the following properties for these buttons: * Enabled: True * Navigable: False * Mouse Navigate: False Now set the ...
2011-04-26, 4003👍, 0💬

Can one execute dynamic SQL from Forms?
Can one execute dynamic SQL from Forms? Yes, use the FORMS_DDL built-in or call the DBMS_SQL database package from Forms. Eg: FORMS_DDL('INSERT INTO X VALUES (' || col_list || ')'); Just note that FORMS_DDL will force an implicit COMMIT and may de-synchronize the Oracle Forms COMMIT mechanism.
2011-04-12, 6639👍, 0💬

What Is PL/SQL Language Case Sensitive
What Is PL/SQL Language Case Sensitive? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Understanding PL/SQL Language Basics PL/SQL language is not case sensitive: Reserved words are not case sensitive. For example: CASE and Case are identical. Variable names and other names are not case sensitive. For example: TOTAL_SALARY and...
2007-05-01, 5234👍, 0💬

How To Place Comments in PL/SQL
How To Place Comments in PL/SQL? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Understanding PL/SQL Language Basics There are two ways to place comments into PL/SQL codes: SQL Statement Style: Starts you comment any where in the line but prefixed with '--'. The comment ends at the end of the line. C Language Style: Starts you...
2007-05-01, 5442👍, 0💬

What Are the Types PL/SQL Code Blocks
What Are the Types PL/SQL Code Blocks? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Understanding PL/SQL Language Basics There are 3 types of PL/SQL code blocks: Anonymous Block - A block of codes with no name. It may contain a declaration part, an execution part, and exception handlers. Stored Program Unit - A block of code...
2007-05-01, 5353👍, 0💬

What Is an Anonymous Block
What Is an Anonymous Block? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Understanding PL/SQL Language Basics An anonymous block is a PL/SQL code block with no name. It consists of three parts: Declaration Part - Defining local variables and local procedures. Declaration part is optional. Execution Part - Defining execution ...
2007-04-30, 5759👍, 0💬

What Is a Named Program Unit
What Is a Named Program Unit? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Understanding PL/SQL Language Basics A named program unit is a PL/SQL code block with an name. It consists of three parts: Declaration Part - Defining the program unit name, calling parameters, local variables and local procedures. Declaration part is...
2007-04-30, 5482👍, 0💬

What Is a Procedure
What Is a Procedure? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Understanding PL/SQL Language Basics A procedure is a named program unit. It consists of three parts: Declaration Part - Defining the procedure name, calling parameters, local variables and local procedures. Declaration part is required. Execution Part - Defin...
2007-04-30, 5417👍, 0💬

What Is a Function
What Is a Function? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Understanding PL/SQL Language Basics A function is a named program unit. It consists of three parts: Declaration Part - Defining the function name, calling parameters, return value type, local variables and local procedures. Declaration part is required. Execut...
2007-04-30, 5089👍, 0💬

How To Declare a Local Variable
How To Declare a Local Variable? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Understanding PL/SQL Language Basics A local variable can be defined in the declaration part with a declaration statement, which is a variable name followed a data type identifier. Below are some examples of declaration statements: PROCEDURE proc_v...
2007-04-30, 5929👍, 0💬

How To Initialize Variables with Default Values
How To Initialize Variables with Default Values? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Understanding PL/SQL Language Basics There are two ways to assign default values to variables at the time of declaration: Using key word DEFAULT - Appending "DEFAULT value" to the end of declaration statements. Using assignment oper...
2007-04-30, 5756👍, 0💬

What Are the Arithmetic Operations
What Are the Arithmetic Operations? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Understanding PL/SQL Language Basics There are 4 basic arithmetic operations on numeric values as shown in the following sample script: PROCEDURE proc_arithmetic AS addition NUMBER; subtraction NUMBER; multiplication NUMBER; division NUMBER; BEG...
2007-04-30, 5291👍, 0💬

How To Assign Values to Variables
How To Assign Values to Variables? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Understanding PL/SQL Language Basics You can use assignment statements to assign values to variables. An assignment statement contains an assignment operator ":=", which takes the value specified on the right to the variable on left. The script b...
2007-04-30, 5397👍, 0💬

What Are the Numeric Comparison Operations
What Are the Numeric Comparison Operations? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Understanding PL/SQL Language Basics PL/SQL supports 6 basic numeric comparison operations as shown in the following sample script: PROCEDURE proc_comparison AS res BOOLEAN; BEGIN res := 1 = 2; res := 1 2; res := 1 = 2; res := 1 2; -- mo...
2007-04-30, 5251👍, 0💬

What Are the Logical Operations
What Are the Logical Operations? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Understanding PL/SQL Language Basics PL/SQL supports 3 logical operations as shown in the following sample script: PROCEDURE proc_comparison AS x BOOLEAN := TRUE; y BOOLEAN := FALSE; res BOOLEAN; BEGIN res = x AND y; res = x OR y; res = NOT x; -- m...
2007-04-30, 5520👍, 0💬

How Many Scalar Data Types Are Supported in PL/SQL
How Many Scalar Data Types Are Supported in PL/SQL? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Understanding PL/SQL Language Basics PL/SQL supports many scalar data types divided into 4 groups: Numeric Types: BINARY_DOUBLE, BINARY_FLOAT, BINARY_INTEGER, DEC, DECIMAL, DOUBLE PRECISION, FLOAT, INT, INTEGER, NATURAL, NATURALN...
2007-04-30, 5078👍, 0💬

How Many Categories of Data Types
How Many Categories of Data Types? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Understanding PL/SQL Language Basics PL/SQL data types are grouped into 4 categories: Scalar Data Types: A scalar data type holds a single value. Composite Data Types: A composite data type has internal components, such as the elements of an arra...
2007-04-30, 5870👍, 0💬

How To Convert Character Types to Numeric Types
How To Convert Character Types to Numeric Types? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Understanding PL/SQL Language Basics You can convert character types to numeric types in two ways: Explicitly by using TO_NUMBER() function. Implicitly by putting character data in a numeric operation. The sample script below shows ...
2007-04-30, 5789👍, 0💬

What Are the Execution Control Statements
What Are the Execution Control Statements? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Understanding PL/SQL Language Basics PL/SQL supports three groups of execution control statements: IF Statements - Conditionally executes a block of statements. CASE Statements - Selectively executes a block of statements. LOOP Statements...
2007-04-30, 5161👍, 0💬

How To Use "IF" Statements on Multiple Conditions
How To Use "IF" Statements on Multiple Conditions? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Understanding PL/SQL Language Basics If you have multiple blocks of codes to be executed based on different conditions, you can use the "IF ... ELSIF" statement. Here is a sample script on IF statements: DECLARE day VARCHAR2; BEGI...
2007-04-29, 7968👍, 0💬

How To Use "WHILE" Statements
How To Use "WHILE" Statements? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Understanding PL/SQL Language Basics If you have a block of codes to be executed repeatedly based a condition, you can use the "WHILE ... LOOP" statement. Here is a sample script on WHILE statements: DECLARE total NUMBER; BEGIN total := 0; WHILE tota...
2007-04-29, 5142👍, 0💬

How To Use "FOR" Statements
How To Use "FOR" Statements? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Understanding PL/SQL Language Basics If you have a block of codes to be executed repeatedly over a range of values, you can use the "FOR ... LOOP" statement. Here is a sample script on FOR statements: DECLARE total NUMBER := 0; BEGIN FOR i IN 1..10 LOO...
2007-04-29, 5324👍, 0💬

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