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What is COCOMO I, COCOMOII and COCOMOIII? In CD we have a complete free PDF tutorial of how to prepare software quotation. It has all the estimation technology that today’s software industry uses.
2007-10-30, 7219👍, 0💬

How do we create DCOM object in VB6
How do we create DCOM object in VB6? Using the CreateObject method you can create a DCOM object. You have to put the server name in the registry.
2007-10-22, 7218👍, 0💬

What is the significance of Finalize method in .NET
What is the significance of Finalize method in .NET? .NET Garbage collector does almost all clean up activity for your objects. But unmanaged resources (ex: - Windows API created objects, File, Database connection objects, COM objects etc) is outside the scope of .NET framework we have to explicitly...
2007-10-23, 7211👍, 0💬

Is versioning applicable to private assemblies?
.NET INTERVIEW QUESTIONS - Is versioning applicable to private assemblies? Versioning concept is only applicable to global assembly cache (GAC) as private assembly lie in their individual folders.
2010-03-16, 7207👍, 0💬

How can we implement singleton pattern in .NET
How can we implement singleton pattern in .NET? Singleton pattern mainly focuses on having one and only one instance of the object running. Example a windows directory service which has multiple entries but you can only have single instance of it through out the network. Note:- May of developers wou...
2007-10-24, 7205👍, 0💬

C# question: What is a Weak Reference
In C#, what is a weak reference? Generally, when you talk about a reference to an object in .NET (and in most other garbage collected languages), you are talking about a "strong" reference. As long as that reference exists, the garbage collector won't collect the object behind that reference. A weak...
2009-09-04, 7203👍, 0💬

List of Waiting Threads on an Object
Can each Java object keep track of all the threads that want to exclusively access to it?
2007-03-03, 7203👍, 0💬

What is your company’s productivity factor
What is the FP per day in your current company?
2007-10-30, 7198👍, 0💬

How To Delete a User Account
How To Delete a User Account? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Managing Oracle User Accounts, Schema and Privileges If you want to delete a user account and its associated schema, you can log in as SYSTEM and use the DROP USER command as shown in the following example: >.\bin\sqlplus /nolog SQL> connect SYSTEM/fy...
2007-05-02, 7197👍, 0💬

If we have multiple AFTER Triggers on table how can we define the sequence of the triggers
If we have multiple AFTER Triggers on table how can we define the sequence of the triggers ? If a table has multiple AFTER triggers, then you can specify which trigger should be executed first and which trigger should be executed last using the stored procedure sp_settriggerorder. All the other trig...
2007-10-25, 7193👍, 0💬

What is the concept of strong names
How do we generate strong names ? or What is use the of SN.EXE ? or How do we apply strong names to assembly? or How do you sign an assembly? Strong name is similar to GUID(It is supposed to be unique in space and time) in COM components.Strong Name is only needed when we need to deploy assembly in ...
2007-10-22, 7162👍, 0💬

What is test metrics?
What is test metrics? Test metrics accomplish in analyzing the current level of maturity in testing and give a projection on how to go about testing activities by allowing us to set goals and predict future trends. test metrics should cover basically 3 things: 1. test coverage 2. time for one test c...
2008-04-14, 7154👍, 0💬

How To Compile a JUnit Test Class
How To Compile a JUnit Test Class? Compiling a JUnit test class is like compiling any other Java classes. The only thing you need watch out is that the JUnit JAR file must be included in the classpath. For example, to compile the test class HelloTest.java described previously, you should do this: ja...
2008-01-11, 7142👍, 0💬

What are shared (VB.NET)/Static(C#) variables
What are shared (VB.NET)/Static(C#) variables? Static/Shared classes are used when a class provides functionality which is not specific to any instance. In short if you want an object to be shared between multiple instances you will use a static/Shared class. Following are features of Static/Shared ...
2007-10-23, 7141👍, 0💬

Where do you specify session state mode in ASP.NET ?
.NET INTERVIEW QUESTIONS - Where do you specify session state mode in ASP.NET ? The following code explains about specifying session state mode in ASP.NET. &lt;sessionState mode=”SQLServer” stateConnectionString=”tcpip=1"sqlConnectionString=”data source=; Integrated ...
2009-06-16, 7138👍, 0💬

What are some uses of Intranets &amp; Extranets?
What are some uses of Intranets &amp; Extranets? An "intranet" is the generic term for a collection of private computer networks within an organization. Examples of intranets are internal networks with Web services and other services accessible only for internal users. An "extranet" is a compute...
2008-08-12, 7136👍, 0💬

How To Blend a Color Layer to a Image
How To Blend a Color Layer to a Image? - PSP Tutorials - Fading Images to Background Colors with PSP Let's say you has an image and you want to use it as the background for your Web page. But the image is too bright to be used as a background. You can follow the steps below to blend a color layer to...
2007-05-12, 7117👍, 0💬

How To Get the Last ID Assigned by MySQL
How To Get the Last ID Assigned by MySQL? - MySQL FAQs - Managing Tables and Running Queries with PHP Scripts If you use an ID column with AUTO_INCREMENT attribute, you can use the mysql_insert_id() function to get the last ID value assigned by the MySQL server, as shown in the sample script below: ...
2007-05-11, 7113👍, 0💬

How Can we change priority & what levels of priority are provided by Dot Net?
How Can we change priority & what levels of priority are provided by Dot Net? Thread Priority can be changed by using Threadname.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest. In the sample provided look out for code where the second thread is ran with a high priority. Following are different levels of Prio...
2009-03-13, 7108👍, 0💬

Can we have static indexer in C#
Can we have static indexer in C# ? No.
2007-10-23, 7091👍, 0💬

Is There Any XSD File to Validate Atom Feed Files
Is There Any XSD File to Validate Atom Feed Files? - RSS FAQs - Atom Feed Introduction and File Generation A XSD (XML Schema Definition) file contains a set of definitions of XML elements and attributes to form a new XML based language. The same DTD file can be used to validate XML files that comply...
2007-05-12, 7091👍, 0💬

What CLASSPATH Settings Are Needed to Run JUnit
What CLASSPATH Settings Are Needed to Run JUnit? It doesn't matter if you run your JUnit tests from a command line, from an IDE, or from "ant", you must define your CLASSPATH settings correctly. Here is what recommended by the JUnit FAQ with some minor changes: To run your JUnit tests, you'll need t...
2008-01-15, 7087👍, 0💬

Did VB6 support multi-threading ?
.NET INTERVIEW QUESTIONS - Did VB6 support multi-threading ? While VB6 supports multiple single-threaded apartments, it does not support a freethreading model, which allows multiple threads to run against the same set of data.
2009-11-03, 7084👍, 0💬

What is PMP(project management plan)?
What is PMP(project management plan)? The project management plan is a document that describes the project management system used by a project team. The objective of a project management plan is do define the approach to be used by the Project team to deliver the intended project management scope of...
2008-04-14, 7082👍, 0💬

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