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Creating a New Thread
How to create a thread in a program? You have two ways to do so. First, making your class "extends" Thread class. Second, making your class "implements" Runnable interface. Put jobs in a run() method and call start() method to start the thread.
2016-06-25, 434980👍, 8💬

💬 2016-06-25 Ron: You can also create an anonymous class and run it: Thread t = new Thread() { public void run() { // do whatever you want } }; t....

💬 2013-10-02 drinkin: This unmistakably created an audience for books fact that consciously offered the grand design models

💬 2013-07-23 XRumerTest: Hello. And Bye.

(More comments ...)

How To Export Your Connection Information to a File
How To Export Your Connection Information to a File? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Introduction to Oracle SQL Developer SQL Developer allows you to export your connection information into an XML file. Here is how to do this: Right-click on Connections Select Export Connection... Enter File Name as: \temp\conne...
2016-07-11, 31808👍, 1💬

💬 2013-03-06 sulochana: Thank you.. It helped me

How To Increment Dates by 1
How To Increment Dates by 1? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Understanding SQL Basics If you have a date, and you want to increment it by 1. You can do this by adding the date with a date interval. You can also do this by adding the number 1 directly on the date. The tutorial example below shows you how to addin...
2016-07-06, 31082👍, 1💬

💬 2016-07-06 Julie: Good to know. Thanks.

💬 2010-10-11 Coleen: I have an Oracle table with a column (seq_num) that needs to populated with sequential nbrs based on a group. For example, I hav...

How To Create an Add-to-My-Yahoo Button on Your Website
How To Create an Add-to-My-Yahoo Button on Your Website? - RSS FAQs - Adding Your Feeds to RSS News Readers and Aggregators If you like the "Add to My Yahoo" button showing on this site, you can create one for your own Web site by following the tutorial exercise below: 1. Create an RSS Atom 1.0 feed...
2007-05-12, 18315👍, 0💬

Give me the example of SRS and FRS
Give me the example of SRS and FRS SRS :- Software Requirement Specification BRS :- Basic Requirement Specification FRS :- Functional requirment specification FRS mainly says the particular functionality. FRS mainly used for change request, enchancements, additional functionalites. BRD contain Basic...
2009-03-17, 18294👍, 0💬

printf() and sprint() Functions
What is the difference between "printf(...)" and "sprintf(...)"? sprintf(...) writes data to the charecter array whereas printf(...) writes data to the standard output device.
2007-02-26, 17824👍, 0💬

Can Two Forms Be Nested
Can Two Forms Be Nested? - XHTML 1.0 Tutorials - Understanding Forms and Input Fields Can two forms be nested? The answer is no and yes: No. You can not nest two forms directly. XHTML schema does not allow that. Yes. You can nest two forms indirectly. See the tutorial example below. No. Two nested f...
2007-05-12, 16613👍, 0💬

How do you locate the first X in a string txt?
How do you locate the first X in a string txt? A) txt.find('X'); B) txt.locate('X'); C) txt.indexOf('X'); D) txt.countTo('X');
2022-10-19, 15670👍, 5💬

💬 2022-10-01 Ken: The answer is C.

💬 2021-05-22 Shubhamay Hazra: The answer is txt.indexOf('X') because when you want to find something in a string in a particular position, you have to use ind...

💬 2021-03-05 karthik: The content is purely software oriented and the quality of the content is good and it useful to software and some related to sof...

Java String Interview Question
If we have the following in a Java code: String s="abc"; String s2="abc"; Then what will be output of: System.out.println("s.equals(s 2)= "+s.equals(s2)); System.out.println("s==s2 = "+(s==s2)); The correct answer is: s.equals(s2) = true s==s2 = true The following answer is wrong. Because both liter...
2016-06-26, 14731👍, 2💬

💬 2011-01-25 FYIcenter.com: Hi Kevin, Thanks. Answer updated.

💬 2011-01-17 Kevin McLain: This answer is wrong! String literals are interned by the VM this both will print true

Open Link Endur
Can you please post OpenLink Endur related FAQ's,tutorials,documents. Thanks
2009-09-10, 14525👍, 0💬

How do we host a WCF service in IIS
How do we host a WCF service in IIS? Note: - The best to know how to host a WCF in IIS is by doing a small sample. So what we will do is host the same GetCost sample which was self hosted in the previous question. First thing you will need is to create the SVC file which exposes the service class. S...
2007-11-04, 13935👍, 0💬

What Happens If a Hyper Link Points to a Music File
What Happens If a Hyper Link Points to a Music File? - XHTML 1.0 Tutorials - Understanding Hyper Links and URLs If you want to build a hyper link to allow visitors to access a music/sound file by clicking a hyper link, you can put the URL of the music/sound file directly in the "href" attribute of t...
2007-05-12, 13431👍, 0💬

About interview.FYIcenter.com
interview.FYIcenter.com offers a collections of interview questions and answers for software and Web developers.
2016-06-25, 13301👍, 0💬

Can you explain in brief how can we implement threading
Can you explain in brief how can we implement threading ? Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim pthread1 As New Thread(AddressOf Thread1) Dim pthread2 As New Thread(AddressOf Thread2) pthread1.Start() pthread2.Start() End Sub Publi...
2007-10-22, 13031👍, 0💬

How To Convert a UNIX time_t to a Win32 FILETIME or SYSTEMTIME
How to convert a Unix timestamp to a Win32 FILETIME or SYSTEMTIME? The following function converts a filetime in the UNIX time_t format to a Win32 FILETIME format. Note that time_t is a 32-bit value and FILETIME is a 64-bit structure, so the Win32 function, Int32x32To64() is used in the following fu...
2012-01-02, 13000👍, 0💬

How To Retrieve Input Values for Checkboxes Properly
How To Retrieve Input Values for Checkboxes Properly? - PHP Script Tips - Processing Web Forms If multiple input values are submitted with the same field name, like the case of a group of checkboxes, you should add ([]) to the end of the field name. This tells the PHP engine that multiple values are...
2016-06-26, 12998👍, 1💬

💬 2016-06-26 Donald: Thanks.

What Is a LABEL Tag/Element
What Is a LABEL Tag/Element? - XHTML 1.0 Tutorials - Understanding Forms and Input Fields A "label" element is an inline element that you can use to define a label for a form input field. Here are basic rules about a "label" element: "label" elements are inline elements. "label" elements can only be...
2007-05-12, 12453👍, 0💬

What is cross page posting
What is cross page posting? By default, button controls in ASP.NET pages post back to the same page that contains the button, where you can write an event handler for the post. In most cases this is the desired behavior, but occasionaly you will also want to be able to post to another page in your a...
2007-10-23, 12304👍, 0💬

What is MVC pattern
How can you implement MVC pattern in ASP.NET? The main purpose using MVC pattern is to decouple the GUI from the Data. It also gives the ability to provide multiple views for the same Data. MVC pattern separates objects in to three important sections:- ã Model: - This section is specially for maint...
2007-10-24, 11947👍, 0💬

How To Avoid the Undefined Index Error
How To Avoid the Undefined Index Error? - PHP Script Tips - Processing Web Forms If you don't want your PHP page to give out errors as shown in the previous exercise, you should consider checking all expected input fields in $_REQUEST with the isset() function as shown in the example script below: &...
2007-04-23, 11927👍, 0💬

What is the difference between Session State and ViewState?
What is the difference between Session State and ViewState? ViewState is specific to a page in a session. Session state refers to user specific data that can be accessed across all pages in the web application.
2019-03-31, 11742👍, 4💬

💬 2019-03-31 raju: hi this is my comment.

How To Fade Image Edges to Background Colors
How To Fade Image Edges to Background Colors? - PSP Tutorials - Fading Images to Background Colors with PSP If you have an image on your Web page, you may want to fade the image to the background color on the edges. You can follow the tutorial below to fad the bottom edge to the background color: Fo...
2007-05-12, 11630👍, 0💬

The object that contains all the properties and methods for every ASP.NET page, that is built is ..
The object that contains all the properties and methods for every ASP.NET page, that is built is .. The object that contains all the properties and methods for every ASP.NET page, that is built is * Page Object * HTTPPage Object * WebPage Object * System.Web.UI.Page Page Object
2014-03-18, 11312👍, 0💬

How To Concatenate Two Character Strings
How To Concatenate Two Character Strings? - MySQL FAQs - Introduction to SQL Basics If you want concatenate multiple character strings into one, you need to use the CONCAT() function. Here are some good examples: SELECT CONCAT('Welcome',' to') FROM DUAL; Welcome to SELECT CONCAT('FYI','center','.com...
2007-05-11, 11272👍, 0💬

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