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printf() and sprint() Functions
What is the difference between "printf(...)" and "sprintf(...)"? sprintf(...) writes data to the charecter array whereas printf(...) writes data to the standard output device. 2007-02-26, 17824👍, 0💬
How do you locate the first X in a string txt?
How do you locate the first X in a string txt? A) txt.find('X'); B) txt.locate('X'); C) txt.indexOf('X'); D) txt.countTo('X'); 2022-10-19, 15670👍, 5💬
Open Link Endur
Can you please post OpenLink Endur related FAQ's,tutorials,documents. Thanks 2009-09-10, 14525👍, 0💬
About offers a collections of interview questions and answers for software and Web developers. 2016-06-25, 13301👍, 0💬
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