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Troubleshooting NullPointerException
What is NullPointerException and how to handle it? When an object is not initialized, the default value is null. When the following things happen, the NullPointerException is thrown: Calling the instance method of a null object. Accessing or modifying the field of a null object. Taking the length of...
2007-03-03, 8124👍, 0💬

What does address of operator do in background?
What does address of operator do in background? The AddressOf operator creates a delegate object to the BackgroundProcess method. A delegate within VB.NET is a type-safe, object-oriented function pointer. After the thread has been instantiated, you begin the execution of the code by calling the Star...
2009-03-06, 8117👍, 0💬

How do you hide Public .NET Classes and other public members from COM?
Managed Code and Unmanaged Code related ASP.NET - How do you hide Public .NET Classes and other public members from COM? In some cases, you might want to hide selected .NET classes from COM but keep them public for use from other .NET assemblies. The ComVisible attribute allows you to select which p...
2009-04-09, 8112👍, 0💬

Explain simple Walk through of XmlReader
Explain simple Walk through of XmlReader ? In this section we will do a simple walkthrough of how to use the “XmlReader” class. Sample for the same is available in both languages (C# and VB.NET) which you can find in “WindowsApplicationXMLVBNET” and “WindowsApplicationCSharp” folders. Task is to l...
2007-10-31, 8112👍, 0💬

How To Check the Oracle TNS Settings
How To Check the Oracle TNS Settings? - Oracle DBA FAQ - ODBC Drivers, DSN Configuration and ASP Connection If you have installed an Oracle server or an Oracle client tool on your local system, the TNS is automatically installed with a simple configuration file, tnsnames.ora, to define Oracle connec...
2007-04-17, 8097👍, 0💬

System.loadLibrary() - Loading DLL for JNI Interface
An application needs to load a library before it starts to run, how to code? One option is to use a static block to load a library before anything is called. For example, class Test { static { System.loadLibrary("myApp.dll" );} .... } When you call new Test(), the static block will be called first b...
2007-03-03, 8083👍, 0💬

How does multi-threading take place on a computer with a single CPU? The operating system's task scheduler allocates execution time to multiple tasks. By quickly switching between executing tasks, it creates the impression that tasks execute sequentially.
2007-03-03, 8082👍, 0💬

How To View All Columns in an Existing Table
How To View All Columns in an Existing Table? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Managing Oracle Database Tables If you have an existing table and want to know how many columns are in the table and how they are defined, you can use the system view USER_TAB_COLUMNS as shown in the following tutorial exercise: SQL> C...
2007-05-03, 8078👍, 0💬

What is the difference between thread and process?
.NET INTERVIEW QUESTIONS - What is the difference between thread and process? A thread is a path of execution that run on CPU, a process is a collection of threads that share the same virtual memory. A process has at least one thread of execution, and a thread always run in a process context..
2010-01-05, 8072👍, 0💬

What is the difference between CALL_FORM, NEW_FORM and OPEN_FORM?
What is the difference between CALL_FORM, NEW_FORM and OPEN_FORM? CALL_FORM: start a new form and pass control to it. The parent form will be suspended until the called form is terminated. user can not navigate to parent form until child form is open. NEW_FORM: terminate the current form and replace...
2011-03-29, 8055👍, 0💬

What exactly happens when ASPX page is requested from Browser
What exactly happens when ASPX page is requested from Browser? Note: - Here the interviewer is expecting complete flow of how an ASPX page is processed with respect to IIS and ASP.NET engine. Following are the steps which occur when we request a ASPX page :- 1. The browser sends the request to the w...
2007-10-24, 8040👍, 0💬

calloc() and malloc() Functions
What is the difference between "calloc(...)" and "malloc(...)"? 1. calloc(...) allocates a block of memory for an array of elements of a certain size. By default the block is initialized to 0. The total number of memory allocated will be (number_of_elements * size). malloc(...) takes in only a singl...
2007-02-26, 8033👍, 0💬

What Is Thread
What is thread? A thread is an independent path of execution in a system.
2007-03-03, 8031👍, 0💬

Enable ASP.NET polling using “web.config” file
Enable ASP.NET polling using “web.config” file Now that all our database side is configured in order to get the SQL Cache working in the ASP.NET side we need to do some configuration in the web.config file. We need to set two attributes in the gweb.configh file:- ã Set gEnabledh attribute to...
2007-10-23, 8025👍, 0💬

What is AL.EXE and RESGEN.EXE? In the previous question you have seen how we can use resource files to store data according to the localized languages. But when you actually go for deployment you will not like to also install the “resx” or “txt” files. It’s definitely not a good deployment practic...
2007-11-01, 8014👍, 0💬

Wha is the output from System.out.println("Hello"+null);?
Wha is the output from System.out.println("Hello"+nul l);?Hellonull
2023-08-24, 8011👍, 1💬

💬 2023-08-24 DIMITRI: THIS IS GOOD

printf() Function
What is the output of printf("%d")? 1. When we write printf("%d",x); this means compiler will print the value of x. But as here, there is nothing after "%d", so compiler will show in output window gurbage value. 2. When we use %d the compiler internally uses it to access the argument in the stack (a...
2007-02-26, 8009👍, 0💬

How can you avoid deadlock in threading?
.NET INTERVIEW QUESTIONS - How can you avoid deadlock in threading? A good and careful planning can avoid deadlocks.There are so many ways Microsoft has provided by which you can reduce deadlocks example Monitor, Interlocked classes, Wait handles, Event raising from one thread to other thread, Threa...
2010-01-05, 7988👍, 0💬

Rachel opened her math book and found that the sum of the facing pages was 245. What pages did she open to? a. 122 and 123 b. 242 and 243 c. 16 and 17 d. 24 and 25 a.
2006-09-01, 7988👍, 0💬

What is difference between ADPATCH and OPATCH ?
What is difference between ADPATCH and OPATCH ? # ADPATCH is utility to apply ORACLE application Patches whereas # OPATCH is utility to apply database patches
2011-12-29, 7981👍, 0💬

What is Shell scripting
What is Shell scripting A shell script is a script written for the shell, or command line interpreter, of an operating system. It is often considered a simple domain-specific programming language. Typical operations performed by shell scripts include file manipulation, program execution, and printin...
2008-05-30, 7975👍, 0💬

Character Array
What will be printed as the result of the operation below: main() { char s1[]="Cisco"; char s2[]="systems"; printf("%s",s1); } Answer: Cisco
2007-02-26, 7962👍, 0💬

How To Define a Sub Function
How To Define a Sub Function? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Creating Your Own PL/SQL Procedures and Functions A sub function is a function defined and used inside another procedure or function. You need to define a sub function in the declaration part of the enclosing procedure or function. Sub function defini...
2007-04-25, 7956👍, 0💬

Once I have developed the COM wrapper do I have to still register the
Once I have developed the COM wrapper do I have to still register the COM in registry? Yes.
2007-10-22, 7942👍, 0💬

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