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Explain all parts of a deployment diagram
Explain all parts of a deployment diagram?
✍: Guest
Package: It logically groups element of a UML model.
Node: A physical system which represents a processing resource, example PC or a host
Component: It’s the actual implementation or physical module of a UML system.
Node instance: It’s a runtime physical instance of a processing resource.
Component Instance: It represents an implementation unit that has identity at run time
and can contain objects. A component could be contained within a node instance.
InterFace : It specifies the external operations of a class, component, package, or other
element without specifying internal structure.
Object: Instance of a class.
Composition shape: It is a form of aggregation that indicates that a part may belong to
only one element or life time of the element.
Communication: How an actor Dependency: Shows relationship between two elements.
2-Element Constraint: It shows a constraint on two classes or associations.
OR constraint: It shows an OR constraint on two classes or associations.
2007-10-26, 6761👍, 0💬
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