Describe the various components in sequence diagrams


Describe the various components in sequence diagrams?

✍: Guest


Object lifeline: It represents the lifetime of an object creation and its destruction. If the object is created or destroyed during the time period the diagram represents, then the lifeline stops or starts at the appropriate point. An object's destruction is marked with a
large X.
Activation: It’s time period during which actor is performing a action.
Lifeline :This says that there exists some condition on the object lifetime.
Message: It shows communication between objects that conveys information and results in an action.
Message (call):It’s same like message but also conveys some information and results in action.
All messages have same definition as the Message (Call) given above. 2-Element Constraint: It shows a constraint on two classes or associations. OR constraint: It shows an OR constraint on two classes or associations.

2007-10-26, 5562👍, 0💬