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Why is the culture set to the current thread
Why is the culture set to the current thread? First let me explain this question. If you look at the code snippet of how to set the culture info. Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCu lture= new CultureInfo(strCulture); It uses the current thread to set it. What does that mean? Let’s drill down a bit of ho...
2007-11-02, 4950👍, 0💬

Can you list best practices for globalization and localization
Can you list best practices for globalization and localization? Below are the best practices while developing international language support software: Do not hardcode strings or user interface resources. Make sure your application depends on Unicode. When ever you read or write data from various enc...
2007-11-02, 5119👍, 0💬

Can we change the order in a select query with a specified collation sequence
Can we change the order in a select query with a specified collation sequence? Yes we can specify a collate sequence in the order by clause. That will change the sort according to the collation defined in the order by claused. ORDER BY { order_by_expression [ COLLATE collation_name ] [ ASC | DESC ] ...
2007-11-02, 4778👍, 0💬

How do we define collation sequence for database and tables
How do we define collation sequence for database and tables? You can create a database with language specific collation sequence. For instance in the below create statement tblCustomer is created by Latin language collation sequence. Create database tblCustomer collate Latin1_General_BIN You can als...
2007-11-02, 4973👍, 0💬

Can you explain collation sequence in sql server
Can you explain collation sequence in sql server? First let’s define collation. Collation sequences are set of rules which determine how the data is sorted and compared. Sorting rules can be defined with options with case-sensitivity, accent marks, kana character types and character width. Case sens...
2007-11-02, 5066👍, 0💬

Can we sign a satellite assembly
Can we sign a satellite assembly? Yes you can sign the satellite assembly using the /keyfile switch which takes “.snk” file as the input parameter. al /res:MyLanguage.resources /c:de /keyfile:MyLang.snk out:MyLanguages.resources.dll
2007-11-02, 5520👍, 0💬

Can you explain the fundamentals of “GetGlobalResourceObject” and “GetLocalResourceObject” functions?
Can you explain the fundamentals of “GetGlobalResourceObject” and “GetLocalResourceObject” functions? These two functions belong to the HttpContext object. Using it you can get the object reference of the resource object. For instance you can see from the below code snippet we have got reference to...
2007-11-02, 7392👍, 0💬

Can we get a strongly typed resource class rather than using resource manager
Can we get a strongly typed resource class rather than using resource manager? In the previous question we had seen how resourcemanager class can be used to read the string from the resource file. But there has been considerable improvement in VS.Net 2005 for resource support. You no more need to lo...
2007-11-01, 6819👍, 0💬

What precautions do we need to take while deploying satellite assemblies
What precautions do we need to take while deploying satellite assemblies? When we deploy the assembly, the folder structure has to very organized. Below table shows how the folder structure should be organized. MainFolder is the main application folder. All satellite assemblies should be deployed in...
2007-11-01, 4974👍, 0💬

What’s the use of resource manager class
What’s the use of resource manager class? ResourceManager class helps us to read the resource files and get the values using key. First you need to create the object of resource manager. You need to specify the resource name and the assembly in the constructor. private ResourceManager objResourceMan...
2007-11-01, 5307👍, 0💬

What is AL.EXE and RESGEN.EXE? In the previous question you have seen how we can use resource files to store data according to the localized languages. But when you actually go for deployment you will not like to also install the “resx” or “txt” files. It’s definitely not a good deployment practic...
2007-11-01, 8086👍, 0💬

How do we generate Satellite assemblies
How do we generate Satellite assemblies?
2007-11-01, 4707👍, 0💬

What are satellite assemblies
What are satellite assemblies?
2007-11-01, 5002👍, 0💬

How can we use Culture Auto in project
How can we use Culture Auto in project? We will make a simple login screen which we will try to use for English as well as Greek. The login screen will display English settings when an English user logs in and Greek Settings when a Greek user logs in. So below are the steps to start with. In the abo...
2007-11-01, 5013👍, 0💬

How is resource files actually used in project
How is resource files actually used in project?
2007-11-01, 4863👍, 0💬

Can resource file be in any other format other than resx extensions
Can resource file be in any other format other than resx extensions? Yes they can be in .txt format in name and value pairs. For instance below is a simple .txt file with values. lblUserId = User Id lblPassword = Password cmdSubmitPassword = Submit
2007-11-01, 4993👍, 0💬

What are resource files and how do we generate resource files
What are resource files and how do we generate resource files? Resource files are files which contain program resources. Many programmers think resource files for only storing strings. But you can also store bitmaps, icons, fonts, wav files in to resource files. In order to generate resource file yo...
2007-11-01, 5050👍, 0💬

Which are the important namespaces during localization and globalization
Which are the important namespaces during localization and globalization? There are two most important namespaces: System.Globalization - contains classes that define culture-related information, including the language, the country/region, the calendars in use, the format patterns for dates, currenc...
2007-11-01, 5438👍, 0💬

How do we get the current culture of the environment in windows and ASP.NET
How do we get the current culture of the environment in windows and ASP.NET? “CultureInfo.CurrentCulture” displays the current culture of the environment. For instance if you are running Hindi it will display “hi-IN”. Please note one thing in mind “CurrentCulture” will only give you the culture on...
2007-11-01, 7551👍, 0💬

What architecture decisions you should consider while planning for international software
What architecture decisions you should consider while planning for international software’s? Avoid hard coding of strings in the project. Any display right from labels to error messages read it from a resource file. >Length of the string is also of prime importance. Itfs a noted fact that when we t...
2007-11-01, 5262👍, 0💬

What’s the difference between localization and globalization
What’s the difference between localization and globalization? Below are the definition’s which is taken from the Microsoft glossary. Globalization: It is the process of developing a program core whose features and code design are not solely based on a single language or locale. Localization: The pro...
2007-11-01, 5304👍, 0💬

Does .NET support UNICODE and how do you know it supports
Does .NET support UNICODE and how do you know it supports? Yes .NET definitely supports UNICODE. Try to see sizeof (char), you will see 2 bytes. Char type data type stores only one character which needs only 8 bits but because .NET has to support UNICODE it uses 16 bits to store the same.
2007-11-01, 7079👍, 0💬

What is Unicode and why was it introduced
What is Unicode and why was it introduced? In order to understand the concept of Unicode we need to move little back and understand ANSI code. ASCII (ask key) stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. In ASCII format every character is represented by one byte (i.e. 8 bits). So i...
2007-11-01, 5106👍, 0💬

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