How can we use Culture Auto in project


How can we use Culture Auto in project?

✍: Guest


We will make a simple login screen which we will try to use for English as well as Greek.
The login screen will display English settings when an English user logs in and Greek Settings when a Greek user logs in. So below are the steps to start with.

In the above figure you can see the login page. You can find the same in CD as named gLoginScreen.aspxh. Itfs a simple page with two labels and two text boxes. Now the labels values i.e. gUser IDh and gPasswordh should be changed according to regional settings set on the browser. So below are the steps for the same:
ã Make two resource files as shown below one for Greece and other for English. There are three values defined for gUseridh, gPasswordh and the main title of the page. One important thing to note is the naming convention of the files. You need to tag the naming convention with the language code. You can see from the below figure the resource files naming convention is divided in two three parts File name, Language code and resource file extension. In this sample we will demonstrate for English and Greek language so I tagged the file with gelh language code.

Once you have defined your resource files we need to define two attributes gUICulture=Autoh and gCulture=Autoh. See the above figure gCulture Auto in Actionh.
Final step you also need to define resource key at the UI object level. You can see a sample of the same in figure gCulture Auto in Actionh.

Compile the project, run and see the output after changing regional settings for both languages. You should see different outputs as shown in the above figure. With out a single line of code everything works…. That’s the magic of “UICulture=Auto” attribute.

2007-11-01, 4960👍, 0💬