How do we get the current culture of the environment in windows and ASP.NET


How do we get the current culture of the environment in windows and ASP.NET?

✍: Guest


“CultureInfo.CurrentCulture” displays the current culture of the environment. For instance if you are running Hindi it will display “hi-IN”. Please note one thing in mind “CurrentCulture” will only give you the culture on which your application is running. So if it’s a windows application this will work fine. But in ASP.NET 2.0 we need to know what culture the end user has.
For a real international website different users can log in with different culture. For instance you can see from the given figure below different users are logging in with different regional settings. Client browser sends the information in the request headers to the server. For instance a Korean user will send “KO” in the request headers to server. We can get the value using the” Request.UserLanguages”.

Regional settings are defined on the user’s browser as shown below. Click on Tools – Internet options – Languages. You can then add languages in the language preference box. Using "Move up" and "Move down" you can define the priority of the languages. In the below figure we have four languages defined with “Hindi” language set at the top priority. ” Request.UserLanguages” returns back an array of string with the sorted order defined in your language preference tab of the browser.

Below is the code snippet which shows how we can display the user languages. The first figure is the code snippet which shows how to use “Request.UserLanguages”. The second figure shows the output for the same.

One of the things to be noted is “q” value. “q” stands for quality factor. In the above figure the quality factor means the following:
"I prefer Hindi, but will accept English US (with 80% comprehension) or Greek (with 50% comprehension) or French (with 30 % comprehension)."
Just for Non-English speakers meaning of Comprehension. It is the process of understanding and constructing meaning from a piece of text. The comprehension is from the perspective of the end user. It says the end browser user will understand with this much comprehension for that language. For instance in the above example the end browser under stands English comprehension of 80 %.

2007-11-01, 7568👍, 0💬