How To Define a Data Source Name (DSN) in ODBC Manager


How To Define a Data Source Name (DSN) in ODBC Manager? - Oracle DBA FAQ - ODBC Drivers, DSN Configuration and ASP Connection



DSN (Data Source Name) is an ODBC connection identifier for Windows applications. Here is how you can define a DSN on your Windows system:

  • Go to Control Panel.
  • Go to Administrative Tools.
  • Run Data Sources (ODBC).
  • Go to System DSN tab.
  • Click the Add button.
  • Select the "Oracle in XE" driver.
  • Enter Data Source Name: FYI_DSN.
  • Enter Description: FYIcenter DSN Oracle Setting.
  • Enter TNS Service Name: XE.
  • Click the Test Connection button.
  • Enter User Name: fyi.
  • Enter Password: retneciyf.
  • Click the OK button.

You should see a "Connection successful" as shown in the following picture:
    DSN Setting for Oracle ODBC Driver

2007-04-17, 7468👍, 0💬