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Other Resources:
How To Connect ASP Pages to Oracle Servers
How To Connect ASP Pages to Oracle Servers? - Oracle DBA FAQ - ODBC Drivers, DSN Configuration and ASP Connection
If you are running Windows IIS Web server and serving ASP Web pages, you can get data from Oracle servers into your ASP pages through ODBC drivers. To do this, you need to install the correct Oracle ODBC driver and define a DSN on the IIS Web server.
Then you can use ADODB objects to connect to the Oracle server over the ODBC driver in your ASP pages. The tutorial example below gives you a good example:
<% Set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") oConn.Open "DSN=FYI_DSN;UID=fyi;PWD=retneciyf" Set oRS = oConn.Execute("SELECT * FROM dev_faq") Response.write("<p>Data from Oracle server via ODBC:") Response.write("<pre>") Do While NOT oRS.EOF Response.Write(oRS("ID") & vbcrlf) oRS.MoveNext Loop Response.write("</pre>") oRS.close oConn.close %>
2007-04-17, 5148👍, 0💬
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