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How To Assign Query Results to Variables
How To Assign Query Results to Variables? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Working with Database Objects in PL/SQL
If you want to assign results from SELECT statements to variables, you can use the INTO clause, which an extension of SELECT statements for PL/SQL. The sample code below shows some good example on INTO clause:
DECLARE total NUMBER; now DATE; fname VARCHAR2(10); lname VARCHAR2(10); BEGIN SELECT COUNT(*) INTO total FROM employees; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Count = ' || TO_CHAR(total)); SELECT SYSDATE INTO now FROM DUAL; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Now = ' || TO_CHAR(now, 'SSSSS')); SELECT first_name, last_name INTO fname, lname FROM employees WHERE employee_id = 100; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Name = ' || fname || ' ' || lname); END; / Count = 107 Now = 82375 Name = Steven King
2007-04-27, 9607👍, 0💬
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