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How To Create Tables for ODBC Connection Testing
How To Create Tables for ODBC Connection Testing? - Oracle DBA FAQ - ODBC Drivers, DSN Configuration and ASP Connection
If you want to follow the tutorial exercises in the sections below, you need to create a user account and a table for ODBC connection testing as shown here:
SQL> CONNECT system/retneciyf Connected. SQL> CREATE USER fyi IDENTIFIED BY retneciyf ACCOUNT UNLOCK; User created. SQL> GRANT CREATE SESSION TO fyi; Grant succeeded. SQL> GRANT CREATE TABLE TO fyi; Grant succeeded. SQL> ALTER USER fyi DEFAULT TABLESPACE USERS; User altered. SQL> ALTER USER dev QUOTA 4M ON USERS; User altered. SQL> connect fyi/retneciyf; Connected. SQL> CREATE TABLE dev_faq (id NUMBER); SQL> INSERT INTO dev_faq VALUES (3); SQL> INSERT INTO dev_faq VALUES (5); SQL> INSERT INTO dev_faq VALUES (7);
2007-04-17, 5165👍, 0💬
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