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How To Access MySQL Servers through Firewalls
How To Access MySQL Servers through Firewalls? - MySQL FAQs - PHP Connections and Query Execution If your MySQL server is provided by an Internet service company, connecting to the server from your local machine will not be so easy, because there are firewalls between your local machine and your MyS...
2007-05-10, 4954👍, 0💬

What Are the Differences between CHAR and NCHAR
What Are the Differences between CHAR and NCHAR? - MySQL FAQs - Introduction to SQL Basics Both CHAR and NCHAR are fixed length string data types. But they have the following differences: CHAR's full name is CHARACTER. NCHAR's full name is NATIONAL CHARACTER. By default, CHAR uses ASCII character se...
2007-05-11, 4953👍, 0💬

What Are the Differences between CHAR and VARCHAR
What Are the Differences between CHAR and VARCHAR? - MySQL FAQs - Introduction to SQL Basics CHAR and VARCHAR are both ASCII character data types by default. But they have the following major differences: CHAR stores values in fixed lengths. Values are padded with space characters to match the speci...
2007-05-11, 4951👍, 0💬

How Many Ways to Get the Current Time
How Many Ways to Get the Current Time? - MySQL FAQs - Introduction to SQL Date and Time Handling There are 8 ways to get the current time: SELECT NOW() FROM DUAL; 2006-07-01 10:02:41 SELECT CURRENT_TIME() FROM DUAL; 10:02:58 SELECT SYSDATE() FROM DUAL; 2006-07-01 10:03:21 mysql> SELECT CURRENT_TIMES...
2007-05-11, 4949👍, 0💬

How To Use Existing Values in UPDATE Statements
How To Use Existing Values in UPDATE Statements? - MySQL FAQs - Understanding SQL INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE Statements If a row matches the WHERE clause in a UPDATE statement, existing values in this row can be used in expressions to provide new values in the SET clause. Existing values are represen...
2007-05-11, 4944👍, 0💬

How To Turn on mysql Extension on the PHP Engine
How To Turn on mysql Extension on the PHP Engine? - MySQL FAQs - PHP Connections and Query Execution The "mysql" API extension is provided as "php_mysql.dll" for Windows system. Your PHP binary download package should have "php_mysql.dll" included. No need for another download. But you need to check...
2007-05-10, 4942👍, 0💬

How To Create a New View
How To Create a New View? - MySQL FAQs - Understanding SQL CREATE, ALTER and DROP Statements You can create a new view based on one or more existing tables by using the "CREATE VIEW viewName AS selectStatement" statement as shown in the following script: mysql> CREATE TABLE comment (faqID INTEGER, m...
2007-05-11, 4933👍, 0💬

How To Define and Use Table Alias Names
How To Define and Use Table Alias Names? - MySQL FAQs - SQL SELECT Statements with JOIN and Subqueries When column names need to be prefixed with table names, you can define table alias name and use them to prefix column names as shown in the following select statement: mysql> SELECT l.id, l.url, r....
2007-05-11, 4930👍, 0💬

How To Name Query Output Columns
How To Name Query Output Columns? - MySQL FAQs - SQL SELECT Statements with JOIN and Subqueries Each column in the query output has a default name. If you don't like the default name, you can specify a new name for any column in the query output by using the AS clause. The following statement shows ...
2007-05-11, 4926👍, 0💬

How To Write a Query with a Right Outer Join
How To Write a Query with a Right Outer Join? - MySQL FAQs - SQL SELECT Statements with JOIN and Subqueries If you want to query from two tables with a right outer join, you can use the RIGHT OUTER JOIN ... ON clause in the FROM clause. The following query returns output with a right outer join from...
2007-05-11, 4925👍, 0💬

How To Start MySQL Server Daemon mysqld
How To Start MySQL Server Daemon mysqld? - MySQL FAQs - Server Daemon mysqld Administration There are a number of ways to start MySQL server daemon, mysqld: Double click on the file name, mysqld.exe, in a file explorer window. This is an easy way to start the server. But you will not be able to spec...
2007-05-11, 4921👍, 0💬

What Is a Result Set Object
What Is a Result Set Object? - MySQL FAQs - Managing Tables and Running Queries with PHP Scripts A result set object is a logical representation of data rows returned by mysql_query() function on SELECT statements. Every result set object has an internal pointer used to identify the current row in t...
2007-05-10, 4920👍, 0💬

How To Query Multiple Tables Jointly
How To Query Multiple Tables Jointly? - PHP Script Tips - Working with MySQL Database If you want to query information stored in multiple tables, you can use the SELECT statement with a WHERE condition to make an inner join. Assuming that you have 3 tables in a forum system: "users" for user profile...
2007-04-19, 4920👍, 0💬

What Are the Predefined User Accounts
What Are the Predefined User Accounts? - MySQL FAQs - Managing User Accounts and Access Privileges There is only one predefined user account called "root": "root" was created during the installation process. "root" has no password initially. You need to assign a new password as soon as you finishes ...
2007-05-10, 4918👍, 0💬

How To Add a New Column to an Existing Table
How To Add a New Column to an Existing Table? - MySQL FAQs - Understanding SQL CREATE, ALTER and DROP Statements If you have an existing table with existing data rows, and want to add a new column to that table, you can use the "ALTER TABLE ... ADD COLUMN" statement. The tutorial script below shows ...
2007-05-11, 4913👍, 0💬

Can Group Functions Be Used in the ORDER BY Clause
Can Group Functions Be Used in the ORDER BY Clause? - MySQL FAQs - SQL SELECT Query Statements with GROUP BY If the query output is aggregated as groups, you can sort the groups by using group functions in the ORDER BY clause. The following statement returns how many links were created in each year ...
2007-05-11, 4902👍, 0💬

How To Check Server Status with "mysqladmin"
How To Check Server Status with "mysqladmin"? - MySQL FAQs - Administrator Tools for Managing MySQL Server If you want to check the server status by with "mysqladmin", you can following this tutorial example: >cd \mysql\bin >mysqladmin -u root status Uptime: 223 Threads: 1 Questions: 1 Slow queries:...
2007-05-11, 4895👍, 0💬

Can the Query Output Be Sorted by Multiple Columns
Can the Query Output Be Sorted by Multiple Columns? - MySQL FAQs - SQL SELECT Query Statements with GROUP BY You can specifying multiple columns in the ORDER BY clause as shown in the following example statement, which returns employees' salaries sorted by department and salary value: mysql> SELECT ...
2007-05-11, 4894👍, 0💬

What Tools Available for Managing MySQL Server
What Tools Available for Managing MySQL Server? - MySQL FAQs - Administrator Tools for Managing MySQL Server MySQL comes with the following programs as administration tools for you to manage your MySQL server: mysqld - MySQL server daemon. You can use "mysqld" to start your MySQL server. mysqladmin ...
2007-05-11, 4889👍, 0💬

What Are the Differences between BINARY and VARBINARY
What Are the Differences between BINARY and VARBINARY? - MySQL FAQs - Introduction to SQL Basics Both BINARY and VARBINARY are both binary byte data types. But they have the following major differences: BINARY stores values in fixed lengths. Values are padded with 0x00. VARBINARY stores values in va...
2007-05-11, 4882👍, 0💬

What Is a Transaction
What Is a Transaction? - MySQL FAQs - Transaction Management: Commit or Rollback A transaction is a logical unit of work requested by a user to be applied to the database objects. MySQL server introduces the transaction concept to allow users to group one or more SQL statements into a single transac...
2007-05-11, 4881👍, 0💬

How To Present a Past Time in Hours, Minutes and Seconds
How To Present a Past Time in Hours, Minutes and Seconds? - MySQL FAQs - Introduction to SQL Date and Time Handling If you want show an article was posted "n hours n minutes and n seconds ago", you can use the TIMEDIFF(NOW(), pastTime) function as shown in the following tutorial exercise: SELECT TIM...
2007-05-11, 4870👍, 0💬

How To Drop an Existing Index
How To Drop an Existing Index? - MySQL FAQs - Understanding SQL CREATE, ALTER and DROP Statements If you don't need an existing index any more, you should delete it with the "DROP INDEX indexName ON tableName" statement. Here is an example SQL script: mysql> DROP INDEX tip_subject ON tip; Query OK, ...
2007-05-11, 4865👍, 0💬

What Is "mysqlshow"
What Is "mysqlshow"? - MySQL FAQs - Administrator Tools for Managing MySQL Server "mysqlshow" is a command-line interface for end users to see information on tables and columns. Here are some sample commands supported by "mysqlshow": "mysqlshow" - Shows all the databases. "mysqlshow databaseName" - ...
2007-05-11, 4863👍, 0💬

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