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How To Create a New Table Using the CSV Storage Engine
How To Create a New Table Using the CSV Storage Engine? - MySQL FAQs - Storage Engines: MyISAM, InnoDB and BDB CSV (Comma-Separated Values) storage engine stores table data in text files in comma-separated value format. CSV is not the default storage engine. You need to specify "ENGINE = CSV" at the...
2007-05-10, 4532👍, 0💬

How To Install PHP on Windows
How To Install PHP on Windows? - MySQL FAQs - PHP Connections and Query Execution The best way to download and install PHP on Windows systems is to: Go to http://www.php.net, which is the official Web site for PHP. Download PHP binary version for Windows in ZIP format. Unzip the downloaded file into...
2007-05-10, 4525👍, 0💬

How To Start mysqld to Support the BDB Storage Engine
How To Start mysqld to Support the BDB Storage Engine? - MySQL FAQs - Storage Engines: MyISAM, InnoDB and BDB The default "mysqld" program does not support the BDB storage engine. If you want to use the BDB storage engine, you can start MySQL server with the "mysqld-max" program. The tutorial exerci...
2007-05-10, 4503👍, 0💬

How Do You Know If Your MySQL Server Is Alive
How Do You Know If Your MySQL Server Is Alive? - MySQL FAQs - Downloading and Installing MySQL on Windows If you want to know whether your MySQL server is alive, you can use the "mysqladmin" program in a command window as shown in the following tutorial: >cd \mysql\bin >mysqladmin -u root ping mysql...
2007-05-10, 4497👍, 0💬

How Many SQL DML Commands Are Supported by "mysql"
How Many SQL DML Commands Are Supported by "mysql"? - MySQL FAQs - Command-Line End User Interface mysql There are 4 SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML) commands that are supported by "mysql". They are listed below with short descriptions: "INSERT INTO tableName ..." - Inserts new data rows into th...
2007-05-10, 4495👍, 0💬

How Many Scope Levels Can User Privileges Apply
How Many Scope Levels Can User Privileges Apply? - MySQL FAQs - Managing User Accounts and Access Privileges MySQL supports 5 scope levels a user privilege can be granted: Global Level - A privilege granted at this level applies to all databases on the server. Privileges granted at the global level ...
2007-05-10, 4488👍, 0💬

What happened to SQL*Menu?
What happened to SQL*Menu? From Forms V4.5, SQL*Menu is fully integrated into Oracle Forms. Application menus can be added to your application by creating Menu Modules (*.MMB) and generate it to Menu Module Executables (*.MMX).
2011-04-26, 4450👍, 0💬

Why doesn't my messages show on the screen?
Why doesn't my messages show on the screen? Regardless of whether you call the MESSAGE() built-in with ACKNOWLEDGE, NO_ACKNOWLEDGE, or with no mode specification at all, your message may or may not be displayed. This is because messages are displayed asynchronously. To display messages immediately, ...
2011-04-19, 4201👍, 0💬

How do you update 100 rows with single query with variable data populating each row ?
2014-09-19, 2634👍, 0💬

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