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What Is SQL
What Is SQL? - MySQL FAQs - Database Basics and Terminologies SQL, SEQUEL (Structured English Query Language), is a language for RDBMS (Relational Database Management Systems). SQL was developed by IBM Corporation.
2007-05-10, 4653👍, 0💬

How To Check and Repair MyISAM Tables
How To Check and Repair MyISAM Tables? - MySQL FAQs - Storage Engines: MyISAM, InnoDB and BDB If you have a corrupted MyISAM table, like the one resulted from the previous tutorial exercise, you can use the "CHECK TABLE" and "REPAIR TABLE" commands to try to repair it. The following tutorial exercis...
2007-05-10, 4648👍, 0💬

How To Create a New Table Using MyISAM Storage Engine
How To Create a New Table Using MyISAM Storage Engine? - MySQL FAQs - Storage Engines: MyISAM, InnoDB and BDB MyISAM storage engine is based on the ISAM (Indexed Sequential Access Method) concept, which was first developed at IBM to store and retrieve data on secondary storage systems like tapes. My...
2007-05-10, 4641👍, 0💬

What Do You Need to Connect PHP to MySQL
What Do You Need to Connect PHP to MySQL? - MySQL FAQs - PHP Connections and Query Execution If you want to access MySQL database server in your PHP script, you need to make sure that a MySQL API module (extension) is installed and turned on in your PHP engine. PHP 5 now supports two MySQL API exten...
2007-05-10, 4641👍, 0💬

How To Rename an Existing Column in a Table
How To Rename an Existing Column in a Table? - MySQL FAQs - Understanding SQL CREATE, ALTER and DROP Statements If you have an existing column in a table and you want to change the column name, you can use the "ALTER TABLE ... CHANGE" statement. This statement allows you to change the name of a colu...
2007-05-11, 4633👍, 0💬

How To Run a SQL Statement
How To Run a SQL Statement? - PHP Script Tips - Working with MySQL Database You can run any types of SQL statements through the mysql_query() function. It takes the SQL statement as a string and returns different types of data depending on the SQL statement type and execution status: Returning FALSE...
2007-04-18, 4632👍, 0💬

How To Rename an Existing User Account Name
How To Rename an Existing User Account Name? - MySQL FAQs - Managing User Accounts and Access Privileges If you want to change the name of an existing user account, you can use the "RENAME USER oldName TO newName" command. The tutorial exercise below shows you how to do this: >cd \mysql\bin >mysql -...
2007-05-10, 4618👍, 0💬

How To Start MySQL Server
How To Start MySQL Server? - MySQL FAQs - Downloading and Installing MySQL on Windows If you want to start the MySQL server, you can run the "mysqld" program in a command window as shown in the following tutorial: >cd \mysql\bin >mysqld "mysqld" will run quietly without printing any message in you c...
2007-05-10, 4616👍, 0💬

How To Join Two Tables in a Single Query
How To Join Two Tables in a Single Query? - MySQL FAQs - SQL SELECT Statements with JOIN and Subqueries Two tables can be joined together in a query in 4 ways: Inner Join: Returns only rows from both tables that satisfy the join condition. Left Outer Join: Returns rows from both tables that satisfy ...
2007-05-11, 4598👍, 0💬

Where Table Data Is Stored by the MyISAM Storage Engine
Where Table Data Is Stored by the MyISAM Storage Engine? - MySQL FAQs - Storage Engines: MyISAM, InnoDB and BDB By default, MySQL provides \mysql\data directory for all storage engines to store table data. Under \mysql\data directory, each database will have its own subdirectory to store table data....
2007-05-10, 4597👍, 0💬

What Happens to MEMORY Tables When MySQL Server Is Stopped
What Happens to MEMORY Tables When MySQL Server Is Stopped? - MySQL FAQs - Storage Engines: MyISAM, InnoDB and BDB If you have data rows stored in a table with the MEMORY storage engine, and the MySQL server has been shutdown by the DBA, all data rows will be removed. But the table structure will re...
2007-05-10, 4588👍, 0💬

What Is a SELECT Query Statement
What Is a SELECT Query Statement? - MySQL FAQs - SQL SELECT Query Statements with GROUP BY The SELECT statement is also called the query statement. It is the most frequently used SQL statement in any database application. A SELECT statement allows you to retrieve data from one or more tables or view...
2007-05-11, 4587👍, 0💬

How To Rename an Existing Table
How To Rename an Existing Table? - MySQL FAQs - Understanding SQL CREATE, ALTER and DROP Statements If you want to rename an existing table, you can use the "ALTER TABLE ... RENAME TO" statement. The tutorial script below shows you a good example: mysql> ALTER TABLE tip RENAME TO faq; Query OK, 0 ro...
2007-05-11, 4587👍, 0💬

Where Table Data Is Stored by the BDB Storage Engine
Where Table Data Is Stored by the BDB Storage Engine? - MySQL FAQs - Storage Engines: MyISAM, InnoDB and BDB By default, MySQL provides \mysql\data directory for all storage engines to store table data. Under \mysql\data directory, the BDB storage engine will create one file for each table to store ...
2007-05-10, 4577👍, 0💬

How To Create a Test Table in Your MySQL Server
How To Create a Test Table in Your MySQL Server? - MySQL FAQs - Downloading and Installing MySQL on Windows If you want to create a test table in your MySQL server, you can use the "mysql" program in a command window as shown in the following tutorial: >cd \mysql\bin >mysql -u root Welcome to the My...
2007-05-10, 4568👍, 0💬

How To Use IN Conditions
How To Use IN Conditions? - MySQL FAQs - Introduction to SQL Basics An IN condition is single value again a list of values. It returns TRUE, if the specified value is in the list. Otherwise, it returns FALSE. Some examples are given in the tutorial exercise below: SELECT 3 IN (1,2,3,4,5) FROM DUAL; ...
2007-05-11, 4567👍, 0💬

How To Grant User Privileges at the Global Level
How To Grant User Privileges at the Global Level? - MySQL FAQs - Managing User Accounts and Access Privileges If you want to grant a user privilege at the global level, you can use the "GRANT privilegeName ON *.* TO userName" command. The argument "*.*" in the command stands for all database and all...
2007-05-10, 4565👍, 0💬

How To Create a New Table Using the BDB Storage Engine
How To Create a New Table Using the BDB Storage Engine? - MySQL FAQs - Storage Engines: MyISAM, InnoDB and BDB BDB (BerkeleyDB) storage engine was originally developed at U.C. Berkeley. It is now maintained by Sleepycat Software, Inc., which is an Oracle company now. BDB is transaction safe, and has...
2007-05-10, 4562👍, 0💬

What Are the "mysql" Command Line Options
What Are the "mysql" Command Line Options? - MySQL FAQs - Command-Line End User Interface mysql "mysql" offers a big list of command line options. Here are some commonly used options: "-?" - Displays a help message on how to use "mysql" and terminates the program. "-u userName" - Specifies a user na...
2007-05-08, 4560👍, 0💬

What Is SQL
What Is SQL? - MySQL FAQs - Introduction to SQL Basics SQL, SEQUEL (Structured English Query Language), is a language for RDBMS (Relational Database Management Systems). SQL was developed by IBM Corporation.
2007-05-11, 4559👍, 0💬

How To Quote Date and Time Values in SQL Statements
How To Quote Date and Time Values in SQL Statements? - PHP Script Tips - Working with MySQL Database If you want to provide date and time values in a SQL statement, you should write them in the format of "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss", and quoted with single quotes ('). The tutorial exercise below shows you ...
2007-04-19, 4559👍, 0💬

How To See Which Storage Engines Are Supported in Your MySQL Server
How To See Which Storage Engines Are Supported in Your MySQL Server? - MySQL FAQs - Storage Engines: MyISAM, InnoDB and BDB If you want to know exactly which storage engines are supported in your MySQL server, you can run the "SHOW ENGINES" command as shown in the tutorial example below: mysql> SHOW...
2007-05-10, 4556👍, 0💬

How To Create a New Table Using the MEMORY Storage Engine
How To Create a New Table Using the MEMORY Storage Engine? - MySQL FAQs - Storage Engines: MyISAM, InnoDB and BDB MEMORY storage engine stores table data in computer system memory. This is good for creating temporary tables. MEMORY is not the default storage engine. You need to specify "ENGINE = MEM...
2007-05-10, 4546👍, 0💬

How To Insert Data into a Table
How To Insert Data into a Table? - PHP Script Tips - Working with MySQL Database If you want to insert a row of data into a table, you can use the INSERT INTO statement as shown in the following sample script: &lt;?php include "mysql_connection.php"; $sql = "INSERT INTO fyi_links (id, url) VALUE...
2007-04-19, 4534👍, 0💬

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