How Is the Full Width of a Block Element Extended


How Is the Full Width of a Block Element Extended? - CSS Tutorials - Understanding Multiple Element Formatting Rules



If the full width of a block element needs to be extended to meet the width of the parent element, brower will following there rules:

  • The full width of a block element is the sum of left margin, left border, left padding, width, right padding, right border, and right margin.
  • There are only 3 out of the 7 horizontal spacing properties can to assigned with the value of "auto": left margin, width, and right margin.
  • If none of the 7 horizontal spacing properties is assigned to "auto", right margin will be extended to meet the full width extension requirement.
  • If right margin is assigned to "auto", it will be extended to meet the full width extension requirement.
  • If right margin is not assigned to "auto", and one or more other properties are assigned to "auto", other properties will be extended to meet the full width extension requirement.
  • 2007-05-11, 4802👍, 0💬