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What are the major differences between services and Web services
What are the major differences between services and Web services?
2007-11-04, 5577👍, 0💬

What is nested Classes
What is nested Classes ? Nested classes are classes within classes. In sample below “ClsNested” class has a “ChildNested” class nested inside it. Public Class ClsNested Public Class ChildNested Public Sub ShowMessage() MessageBox.Show(“Hi this is nested class”) End Sub End Class End Class This is ...
2007-10-23, 5575👍, 0💬

What is the use of @ Register directives
What is the use of @ Register directives ? @Register directive informs the compiler of any custom server control added to the page.
2007-10-24, 5573👍, 0💬

Two or More Actions in the Same Form
Can I have two or more actions in the same form? No. A form must have exactly one action. However, the server-side (e.g., CGI) program that processes your form submissions can perform any number of tasks (e.g., updating a database, sending email, logging a transaction) in response to a single form s...
2007-03-03, 5573👍, 0💬

What is a DOCTYPE? Which one do I use? According to HTML standards, each HTML document begins with a DOCTYPE declaration that specifies which version of HTML the document uses. Originally, the DOCTYPE declaration was used only by SGML-based tools like HTML validators, which needed to determine which...
2007-03-03, 5572👍, 0💬

What is DMAIC and DMADV
What is DMAIC and DMADV ? Six Sigma has two key methodologies DMAIC and DMADV. DMAIC is used to improve an existing business process. DMADV is used to create new product designs or process designs in such a way that it results in a more predictable, mature and defect free performance. DMAIC Basic me...
2007-10-30, 5570👍, 0💬

How to implement DTC in .NET
How to implement DTC in .NET ? DTC is implemented using COM+. Following are the steps to implement COM + in .NET :- ã gEnterpriseServiceh namespace has all the classes by which we can implement DTC in .NET. You have to add reference gEnterpriseServiceh namespace. omits it all together, then w...
2007-10-22, 5569👍, 0💬

How To Protect Special Characters in Query String
How To Protect Special Characters in Query String? - PHP Script Tips - Processing Web Forms If you want to include special characters like spaces in the query string, you need to protect them by applying the urlencode() translation function. The script below shows how to use urlencode(): &lt;?ph...
2007-04-22, 5562👍, 0💬

How can I show the entire validation error message in a message box on the client side
How can I show the entire validation error message in a message box on the client side? In validation summary set “ShowMessageBox” to true.
2007-10-24, 5558👍, 0💬

Latest Version of HTML Specification?
What Is the Latest Version of HTML Specification? The latest HTML specification is HTML 4.01 specification published in December 1999 by W3C. If you are professional HTML developer, you should get a copy of this specification at http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/ . HTML 4 extends HTML with mechanisms for s...
2007-03-03, 5558👍, 0💬

Wrapped Classes
What are wrapped classes? Wrapped classes are classes that allow primitive types to be accessed as objects.
2007-03-03, 5557👍, 0💬

How To Quote Element Attribute Values Properly
How To Quote Element Attribute Values Properly? - XHTML Tutorials - Introduction To Tag and Attribute Syntax You know that attribute values must be quoted. But how to attribute values properly? Here are some basic rules you should remember: An attribute value must be quoted. An attribute value can b...
2007-05-12, 5555👍, 0💬

Uploading Files with File Input Fields in a Form
How To Write the FORM Tag Correctly for Uploading Files? When users clicks the submit button, files specified in the &lt;INPUT TYPE=FILE...> will be transferred from the browser to the Web server. This transferring (uploading) process is controlled by a properly written &lt;FORM...> tag as: ...
2007-02-27, 5554👍, 0💬

What configuration files are used in Struts
What configuration files are used in Struts? There are main configuration files used in Struts to bridge the gap between the Controller and the Model: ApplicationResources.propertie sstruts-config.xml
2007-12-03, 5550👍, 0💬

Forms and Pull-Down Navigatin Menus
How can I use forms for pull-down navigation menus? There is no way to do this in HTML only; something else must process the form. JavaScript processing will work only for readers with JavaScript-enabled browsers. CGI and other server-side processing is reliable for human readers, but search engines...
2007-03-03, 5550👍, 0💬

How Does MySQL Handle Read Consistency
How Does MySQL Handle Read Consistency? - MySQL FAQs - Transaction Management: Commit or Rollback Read consistency is a concept that describes how consistent the output will be on two subsequent read operations. A read operation is usually a stand alone SELECT statement or a SELECT subquery in a par...
2007-05-11, 5549👍, 0💬

How To Run a Stored Procedure Interactively
How To Run a Stored Procedure Interactively? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Introduction to Oracle SQL Developer If have an existing stored procedure and you want to run it interactively, the tutorial steps listed below will help you out: Open you connection name, like Local_XE. Open Procedures. Right-click the...
2007-04-28, 5547👍, 0💬

What Is the MIME Type Definition for Atom Files
What Is the MIME Type Definition for Atom Files? - RSS FAQs - Atom Feed Introduction and File Generation Atom files have its own MIME type definition as: MIME type: application/atom+xml File extension: .atom, .xml Type of format: Syndication Extended from: XML
2007-05-12, 5545👍, 0💬

What’s difference between Datagrid, Datalist and repeater
What’s difference between Datagrid, Datalist and repeater? WA Datagrid, Datalist and Repeater are all ASP.NET data Web controls. They have many things in common like DataSource Property, DataBind Method ItemDataBound and ItemCreated. When you assign the DataSource Property of a Datagrid to a DataSet...
2007-10-24, 5544👍, 0💬

What is Oracle Forms and what is it used for?
What is Oracle Forms and what is it used for? Oracle Forms is a 4GL Rapid Application Development (RAD) environment. Forms Builder is used to create applications to enter, access, change, or delete data from Oracle (and other) databases. The Forms Runtime environment is required to execute compiled ...
2011-03-15, 5543👍, 0💬

Externalizable Interface: readExternal() and readExternal()
How many methods in the Externalizable interface? There are two methods in the Externalizable interface. You have to implement these two methods in order to make your class externalizable. These two methods are readExternal() and readExternal().
2007-03-03, 5543👍, 0💬

Do Broswers Support Multiple Forms
Do Broswers Support Multiple Forms? - XHTML 1.0 Tutorials - Understanding Forms and Input Fields XHTML 1.0 does allow you to create multiple forms in a single XHTML document. Most browsers will display and handle multiple forms properly. If click a submit button in one form, browsers will submit inp...
2007-05-12, 5541👍, 0💬

How to turn on Perl warnings? Why is that important
How to turn on Perl warnings? Why is that important? Perl is very forgiving of strange and sometimes wrong code, which can mean hours spent searching for bugs and weird results. Turning on warnings helps uncover common mistakes and strange places and save a lot of debugging time in the long run. The...
2007-11-19, 5540👍, 0💬

main() { int i = 2; int ret_val; while(i > 0) { ret_val = fork(); if (ret_val==0) { printf(“In child %d. \n”, i); } else{ printf(“In parent %d. \n”, i);} i=i-1; } } } The logic of this code looks clear. But what is the question?
2009-04-19, 5539👍, 0💬

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