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How do we assign page specific attributes
How do we assign page specific attributes ? Page attributes are specified using the @Page directive. 2018-01-23, 8270👍, 1💬
About offers a collections of interview questions and answers for software and Web developers. 2016-06-25, 13301👍, 0💬
How many JSP scripting elements and what are they?
How many JSP scripting elements and what are they? There are three scripting language elements: --declarations --scriptlets --expressions 2016-06-25, 4228👍, 1💬
💬 2016-06-25 saidesh: Jsp scripting elements are three types: Declaration, Expression, Scriptlet.
In a call to malloc, what does an error like
In a call to malloc, what does an error like ``Cannot convert `void *' to `int *''' mean? It means you're using a C++ compiler instead of a C compiler. 2016-06-21, 2481👍, 0💬
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