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What’s the difference between Unit testing, Assembly testing and Regression testing
What’s the difference between Unit testing, Assembly testing and Regression testing? Unit testing is also called as Component testing. Unit testing ensures that reliable program unit meets their requirements. Unit testing is normally conducted by programmer under the supervision of the project lead ...
2007-10-30, 8863👍, 0💬

What is black box testing and White box testing
What is black box testing and White box testing? Black box testing is also termed as functional testing. It ignores how the internal functionality of a system works and depends only what are the outputs on specified inputs. Source code availability is not an important in back box testing. Black box ...
2007-10-30, 5029👍, 0💬

Two of your resources have conflicts between them how would you sort it out
You have people in your team who do not meet there deadlines or do not perform what are the actions you will take ? In such kind of question they want to see your delegation skills. The best answer to this question is a job of a project manager is managing projects and not problems of people, so I w...
2007-10-30, 4957👍, 0💬

Two of your resources have conflicts between them how would you sort it out
You have people in your team who do not meet there deadlines or do not perform what are the actions you will take ? In such kind of question they want to see your delegation skills. The best answer to this question is a job of a project manager is managing projects and not problems of people, so I w...
2007-10-30, 4936👍, 0💬

What are the metrics followed in project management
What metrics will you look at in order to see the project is moving successfully? Most metric sets deal with a variation of these attributes and are chosen to help project managers gain insight into their product (size, software quality, rework), process (rework, software quality) and project (effor...
2007-10-30, 7849👍, 0💬

What is the software you have used for project management
What is the software you have used for project management? Many companies have there own software defined. There are many project management software available at this moment in market but this can vary from company to company , worst it can very from project to project. But Microsoft project is the...
2007-10-30, 4783👍, 0💬

What is difference between SITP and UTP in testing
What is difference between SITP and UTP in testing ? UTP (Unit Test Plan) are done at smallest unit level or stand alone mode. Example you have Customer and invoicing module. So you will do test on Customer and Invoice module independently. But later when we want test both customer and invoice in on...
2007-10-30, 10465👍, 0💬

What is internal change request
What is internal change request? Internal change request are not normally billable change request, it has no financial gains from the client. Example your architecture division of your company has said in mid of the project that the architecture has to be modified. Definitely this has nothing to do ...
2007-10-30, 5720👍, 0💬

How do you handle change request
How do you handle change request? Normally change request are handled by preparing an Impact analysis document and then doing re-estimation. Example you have an on going project, which has a customer table. Now customer want to also have addresses assigned to it. So you normally raise a change reque...
2007-10-30, 9524👍, 0💬

What is pareto principle
What is 80/20 principle ? Pareto principle also paraphrased as 80/20 principle is simple effective problem tackling way in management. It says that 20% of your problems lead to other 80 % of problems. So rather than concentrating on the 80% of problem if you concentrate on 20% of problems you can sa...
2007-10-30, 5223👍, 0💬

What is Ishikawa diagram
What is a fish bone diagram ? Dr. Kaoru Ishikawa, invented the fishbone diagram. Therefore, it can be also referred as Ishikawa diagram. Fishbone diagram is an analysis diagram which provides a systematic way of looking at effects and the causes that create or contribute to those effects. Because of...
2007-10-30, 7609👍, 0💬

What is DAR (Decision Analysis and Resolution)
What is DAR (Decision Analysis and Resolution) ? Decision Analysis and Resolution is to analyze possible decisions using a formal evaluation process that identifies alternatives against established criteria. Example in a project you are said to use third party tools so you will not depend on only on...
2007-10-30, 7554👍, 0💬

What is CAR (Causal Analysis and Resolution)
What is CAR (Causal Analysis and Resolution)? The basic purpose of CAR is to analyze all defects, problems and good practices/positive triggers in projects, perform a root cause analysis of the same, identify respective corrective and preventive actions and track these to closure. The advantage of C...
2007-10-30, 7684👍, 0💬

How do you estimate a project
How do you estimate a project? There are many techniques available for estimating a project: Function points Use Case points WBS etc etc.
2007-10-30, 4959👍, 0💬

How is normally a project management plan document organized
How is normally a project management plan document organized ? PMP document forms the bible of a project. It has normally these sections : Project summary Project organization hierarchy WBS / Activity list to be performed with schedule. Work product identification (In short who will do what) Project...
2007-10-30, 6982👍, 0💬

What is effort variance
What is effort variance? Effort Variance = (Actual effort – Estimated Effort) / Estimated Effort.
2007-10-30, 7888👍, 0💬

What is a project baselines
What is a project baselines ? It defines a logical closure of any deliverable or cycle. Example you have completed the requirement phase with sign off from the client on the requirement document.So you put a baseline and say that further any changes to this document are change request. Versioning of...
2007-10-30, 4715👍, 0💬

What is triple constraint triangle in project management
What is triple constraint triangle in project management ? Project Management triangle is depicted as Cost, Schedule and scope.These three aspects form the sides of triangle and the customer is the center point.As customer is always concerned about Cost,Scope and Schedule, so in order to get custome...
2007-10-30, 8384👍, 0💬

Can you explain different software development life cycles - part II
Can you explain different software development life cycles -part II? Water Fall Model This is the oldest model. It has sequence of stages; output of one stage becomes input of other. Following are stages in Waterfall model: System Requirement: - This is initial stage of the project where end user re...
2007-10-30, 6357👍, 0💬

Can you explain different software development life cycles - part I
Can you explain different software development life cycles ? Note:- This questions is asked to test that as a project manager do you have a know how of all the project life cycles.In PMP (Project management plan) you have to specify saying which software development model you will follow. Definitely...
2007-10-30, 5143👍, 0💬

Are risk constant through out the project
Are risk constant through out the project ? * Never say that risk is high through out the project. Risk is high at the start of projects, but by proper POC (Proof of concept) risk is brought in control.Good project managers always have proper risk mitigation plan at the start of project. As the proj...
2007-10-30, 7334👍, 0💬

How many phases are there in software project
Can you explain project life cycle ? Figure :- 12.2 Life cycle of a project There are five stages of any project initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closeout. These are general phases and change according to domain. During Software project management interview expected answer is requir...
2007-10-30, 7797👍, 0💬

Who is a stakeholder
Who is a stakeholder ? A stakeholder is anyone who has something to gain or lose as a result of the completion or failure of this project or phase Note:- It’s not only the end customer the stakeholder. Project managers, Project Lead, even programmers, testing department etc. are stake holders of pro...
2007-10-30, 5033👍, 0💬

Is spending in IT projects constant through out the project
Is spending in IT projects constant through out the project? Note:- It’s a tricky question, to know how much depth you have regarding costing of projects. Normally in initial stage of projects (requirement and design phase) the cost is very less (as you need maximum business analyst and architecture...
2007-10-30, 5215👍, 0💬

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