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How To Define a Data Source Name (DSN) in ODBC Manager
How To Define a Data Source Name (DSN) in ODBC Manager? - Oracle DBA FAQ - ODBC Drivers, DSN Configuration and ASP Connection DSN (Data Source Name) is an ODBC connection identifier for Windows applications. Here is how you can define a DSN on your Windows system: Go to Control Panel. Go to Administ...
2007-04-17, 7468👍, 0💬

How To Connect MS Access to Oracle Servers
How To Connect MS Access to Oracle Servers? - Oracle DBA FAQ - ODBC Drivers, DSN Configuration and ASP Connection Once you got a DSN defined in the ODBC manager that connects to an Oracle server, you can connect a normal MS Access document to the Oracle server, and link an Access table to Oracle tab...
2007-04-17, 5219👍, 0💬

How To Connect ASP Pages to Oracle Servers
How To Connect ASP Pages to Oracle Servers? - Oracle DBA FAQ - ODBC Drivers, DSN Configuration and ASP Connection If you are running Windows IIS Web server and serving ASP Web pages, you can get data from Oracle servers into your ASP pages through ODBC drivers. To do this, you need to install the co...
2007-04-17, 5080👍, 0💬

What Is Open Database Communication (ODBC)
What Is Open Database Communication (ODBC)? - Oracle DBA FAQ - ODBC Drivers, DSN Configuration and ASP Connection ODBC, Open Database Communication, a standard API (application program interface) developed by Microsoft for Windows applications to communicate with database management systems. Oracle ...
2007-04-17, 5179👍, 0💬

How To Check the Oracle TNS Settings
How To Check the Oracle TNS Settings? - Oracle DBA FAQ - ODBC Drivers, DSN Configuration and ASP Connection If you have installed an Oracle server or an Oracle client tool on your local system, the TNS is automatically installed with a simple configuration file, tnsnames.ora, to define Oracle connec...
2007-04-17, 8096👍, 0💬

How To Install Oracle ODBC Drivers
How To Install Oracle ODBC Drivers? - Oracle DBA FAQ - ODBC Drivers, DSN Configuration and ASP Connection Oracle offers different ODBC drivers for different versions of Oracle servers. When you install an Oracle server or a client tools on your Windows system, the appropriate ODBC driver will be ins...
2007-04-17, 5185👍, 0💬

How Oracle Handles Dead Locks
How Oracle Handles Dead Locks? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Understanding SQL Transaction Management Oracle server automatically detects dead locks. When a dead lock is detected, Oracle server will select a victim transaction, and fail its statement that is blocked in the dead lock to break the dead lock. The...
2007-04-17, 6637👍, 0💬

What Is a Dead Lock
What Is a Dead Lock? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Understanding SQL Transaction Management A dead lock is phenomenon happens between two transactions with each of them holding a lock that blocks the other transaction as shown in the following diagram: (transaction 1) (transaction 2) update row X to create loc...
2007-04-17, 5014👍, 0💬

How Can Windows Applications Connect to Oracle Servers
How Can Windows Applications Connect to Oracle Servers? - Oracle DBA FAQ - ODBC Drivers, DSN Configuration and ASP Connection A Windows application can connect to an Oracle server directly, if it knows how to use the Oracle TNS technology. A Windows application can connect to an Oracle server indire...
2007-04-17, 5089👍, 0💬

What Is an Oracle Tablespace
What Is an Oracle Tablespace? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Oracle Basic Concepts An Oracle tablespace is a big unit of logical storage in an Oracle database. It is managed and used by the Oracle server to store structures data objects, like tables and indexes. Each tablespace in an Oracle database consists of...
2007-04-16, 4623👍, 0💬

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