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Other Resources:
How To Get Some Basic Information Back from MySQL Servers
How To Get Some Basic Information Back from MySQL Servers? - MySQL FAQs - PHP Connections and Query Execution
Once you got a MySQL server connection object successfully, you can use mysql_get_server() and mysql_get_host_info() to get some basic information from your MySQL server. The tutorial exercise below is a good example:
<?php $con = mysql_connect('localhost:8888', 'dev', 'iyf'); if (!$con) { print("There is a problem with MySQL connection.\n"); } else { print("The MySQL connection object is ready.\n"); print(mysql_get_client_info()."\n"); print(mysql_get_server_info($con)."\n"); print(mysql_get_host_info($con)."\n"); mysql_close($con); } ?>
If you run this script, you will get something like this:
The MySQL connection object is ready. 4.1.7 5.0.24-community-log localhost via TCP/IP
2007-05-10, 5273👍, 0💬
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