Which is the best place to store ConnectionString in Dot Net Projects?


Which is the best place to store ConnectionString in Dot Net Projects? I am about to deploy my first ASP.NET project. But, I was used to store my variables, such as connection strings, in the global.asa file, in an application. However, these variables are different on my development and production server. If I use the global.asax file, then it is in the code behing, compiled part. Thus I can't change the setting on my production server. So where is the right place to save my connecting string?

✍: Guest


The Web.config file might be a good place. In the system.configuration namespace, you can find the appropriate methods to access this file in you application.

That's what I have done - here's part of my Web.config file:
<add key="MyConnectionString" value="...the connection string goes here..." />

I then retrieve it using ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["MyConnectionString"]

I also set the BuildAction property of the Web.config file to None, to stop it overwriting the version on the live server.

2009-03-18, 7283👍, 0💬