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Other Resources:
How To Create an Array in PL/SQL
How To Create an Array in PL/SQL? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Introduction to PL/SQL
If you want create an array data structure, you can use the collection type VARRAY. VARRAY stands for Variable Array. Here is a sample script on how to use VARRAY:
SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> DECLARE 2 TYPE list IS VARRAY(3) OF VARCHAR(16); 3 domain_list list; 4 BEGIN 5 domain_list := list('google','fyicenter','myspace'); 6 DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Second domain: ' 7 || domain_list(2)); 8 END; 9 / Second domain: fyicenter
As you can see, to define an array variable, you need to create your own array type, and use that type to define array variables.
2007-04-26, 7936👍, 0💬
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