How Many Data Types Are Supported


How Many Data Types Are Supported? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Introduction to PL/SQL



PL/SQL supports two groups of data types:

  • SQL Data Types - All data types used for table columns.
  • PL/SQL Special Data Types - Like BOOLEAN or PLS_INTEGER.

The script below shows some data type examples:

SQL> set serveroutput on;

SQL> DECLARE                                                        
  2    title VARCHAR(8);                                            
  3    salary NUMBER;                                               
  4    seeking_job BOOLEAN;                                         
  5  BEGIN                                                          
  6    title := 'DBA';                                              
  7    salary := 50000;                                             
  8    seeking_job := TRUE;                                         
  9    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Job Title: ' || title);                
 10    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Expected salary: ' 
 11       || TO_CHAR(salary));
 12  END;                                                           
 13  /
Job Title: DBA
Expected salary: 50000

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