What Are the Execution Control Statements


What Are the Execution Control Statements? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Introduction to PL/SQL

✍: FYIcenter.com


PL/SQL supports three groups of execution control statements:

  • IF Statements - Conditionally executes a block of statements.
  • CASE Statements - Selectively executes a block of statements.
  • LOOP Statements - Repeatedly executes a block of statements.
  • GOTO Statements - Unconditional changes the execution flow to a specified statement.

The script below shows execution control statements:

SQL> set serveroutput on;

SQL> DECLARE                                                    
  2    total NUMBER;                                            
  3  BEGIN                                                      
  4    total := 0;                                              
  5    LOOP                                                     
  6      total := total+1;                                      
  7      IF total >= 10 THEN                                    
  8        GOTO print;                                          
  9      END IF;                                                
 10    END LOOP;                                                
 11    <>                                                
 12    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Total counts: ' 
 13       || TO_CHAR(total));
 14  END;
 15  /
Total counts: 10

This sample script shows you how to use LOOP, IF, and GOTO statements.

2007-04-25, 4735👍, 0💬