What is the difference unescape() and escape()?


What is the difference unescape() and escape()?

✍: Guest


These are similar to the decodeURI() and encodeURI(), but escape() is used for only portions of a URI:

<script type="text/javascript">
var myvalue = "Sir Walter Scott";
document.write("Original myvalue: "+myvalue);
document.write("<br />escaped: "+escape(myvalue));
document.write("<br />uri part: \"&author="+escape(myvalue)+"\"");

If you use escape() for the whole URI... well bad things happen.

<script type="text/javascript">
var uri = "http://www.google.com/search?q=sonofusion Taleyarkhan"
document.write("Original uri: "+uri);
document.write("<br />escaped: "+escape(uri));

2011-08-23, 4079👍, 0💬