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What are different types of JIT ?
.NET INTERVIEW QUESTIONS - What are different types of JIT ?
✍: Guest
JIT compiler is a part of the runtime execution environment.
In Microsoft .NET there are three types of JIT compilers:
* Pre-JIT :- Pre-JIT compiles complete source code into native code in a single compilation cycle. This is done at the time of deployment of the application.
* Econo-JIT :- Econo-JIT compiles only those methods that are called at runtime.However, these compiled methods are removed when they are not required.
* Normal-JIT :- Normal-JIT compiles only those methods that are called at runtime.These methods are compiled the first time they are called, and then they are stored in cache. When the same methods are called again, the compiled code from cache is used for execution.
2010-04-13, 5678👍, 0💬
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