How To Return the Second 5 Rows


How To Return the Second 5 Rows? - MySQL FAQs - SQL SELECT Statements with JOIN and Subqueries



If you want to display query output in multiple pages with 5 rows per page, and the visitor wants to see the output for the second page, you need to display query output from row 6 to row 10. You can use the "LIMIT startRow maxRows" clause to return only rows starting from "startRow" to "startRow+maxRows-1". Note that MySQL counts output rows starting with 0.

The following statement returns the second 5 rows first from the fyi_links table:

mysql> SELECT id, url, counts, tag 
   FROM fyi_links ORDER BY counts DESC LIMIT 5, 5;
   -- the first "5" means starting with row #6.
| id  | url               | counts | tag  |
| 102 | |      3 | DBA  |
| 104 |     |      1 | DBA  |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

2007-05-11, 6636👍, 0💬