How To Use Subqueries with the IN Operator


How To Use Subqueries with the IN Operator? - MySQL FAQs - SQL SELECT Statements with JOIN and Subqueries



A subquery can be used with the IN operator as "expression IN (subquery)". The subquery should return a single column with one or more rows to form a list of values to be used by the IN operation. The following tutorial exercise shows you how to use a subquery with the IN operator. It returns all links with ids in the fyi_rates table.

mysql> SELECT id, url, tag, YEAR(created) As year 
   FROM fyi_links WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM fyi_rates);
| id  | url               | tag  | year |
| 101 | | DEV  | 2006 |
| 102 | | DBA  | 2006 |
| 103 | | SQA  | 2006 |
3 rows in set (0.06 sec)

2007-05-11, 7437👍, 0💬