How To Delete Multiple Rows from a Table


How To Delete Multiple Rows from a Table? - MySQL FAQs - Understanding SQL INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE Statements



You can delete multiple rows from a table in the same way as deleting a single row, except that the WHERE clause will match multiple rows. The tutorial exercise below deletes 3 rows from the fyi_links table:

mysql> SELECT id, url, notes, counts FROM fyi_links 
   WHERE id > 300;
| id  | url               | notes | counts |
| 801 | moc.retneciyf.ved | Wrong |   1602 |
| 802 | moc.retneciyf.abd | Wrong |   1604 |
| 803 | moc.retneciyf.aqs | Wrong |   1606 |
| 810 |                   | Wrong |   1620 |
| 700 | moc.retneciyf.www | Wrong |   1400 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> DELETE FROM fyi_links WHERE id > 300;
Query OK, 5 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT id, url, notes, counts FROM fyi_links 
   WHERE id > 300;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

2007-05-11, 4849👍, 0💬