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State True or False: Static method cannot be overridden: * True or * False
State True or False: Static method cannot be overridden: * True or * False True 2014-06-20, 1564👍, 0💬
Bitwise OR operator in C# is ...
Bitwise OR operator in C# is ... Bitwise OR operator in C# is * OR * || * | * XOR Answer1: || Answer2: | 2014-03-24, 1842👍, 0💬
Bitwise AND operator in C# is ...
Bitwise AND operator in C# is ... Bitwise AND operator in C# is * & * && * AND * XAND Answer1: && Answer2: & 2014-03-21, 1860👍, 0💬
State True or False: C# supports multiple-inheritance: * True or * False?
State True or False: C# supports multiple-inheritance: * True or * False? False 2014-03-21, 2552👍, 0💬
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