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Other Resources:
Can Sub Procedure/Function Be Called Recursively
Can Sub Procedure/Function Be Called Recursively? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Creating Your Own PL/SQL Procedures and Functions
PL/SQL allows sub procedures or functions to be called recursively. The tutorial example below shows you how to calculate factorial values with a recursive sub function:
SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE FACTORIAL_TEST AS 2 FUNCTION FACTORIAL(N NUMBER) 3 RETURN NUMBER AS 4 BEGIN 5 IF N <= 1 THEN 6 RETURN 1; 7 ELSE 8 RETURN N*FACTORIAL(N-1); 9 END IF; 10 END; 11 BEGIN 12 DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('3! = ' || 13 TO_CHAR(FACTORIAL(3))); 14 DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('10! = ' || 15 TO_CHAR(FACTORIAL(10))); 16 DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('64! = ' || 17 TO_CHAR(FACTORIAL(64))); 18 END; 19 / SQL> EXECUTE FACTORIAL_TEST; 3! = 6 10! = 3628800 64! = 126886932185884164103433389335161480802000000000000...
There must be something wrong with the FACTORIAL() definition that causes those many extra '0's in the '64!' result.
2007-04-25, 6608👍, 0💬
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