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Other Resources:
How To Check Your Oracle Database 10g XE Installation
How To Check Your Oracle Database 10g XE Installation? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Introduction to Oracle Database 10g Express Edition
If you want to check your fresh installation of 10g Express Edition without using any special client programs, you can use a Web browser with this address, http://localhost:8080/apex/.
You will see the login page. Enter SYSTEM as the user name, and the password (fyicenter), you selected during the installation to log into the server.
Visit different areas on your 10g XE server home page to make sure your server is running OK.
You can also get to your 10g XE server home page by going through the start menu. Select All Programs, then Oracle Database 10g Express Edition, and then Go To Database Home Page.
2007-04-24, 4786👍, 0💬
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