How can I generate all my forms in a batch?


How can I generate all my forms in a batch?

✍: Guest


Look at this DOS Batch file example:
@echo off
@echo. |
@echo. | Create runtime FMXs from source FMBs
@echo. | Will convert ALL of the fmbs in the current direcotry
@echo. | Usage : FMXALL.BAT username/password@connect string
@echo. |
+ @echo.
+ @echo. Username/Password@connect_string = %1
+ @echo.
+ IF %1 == "" GOTO END
+ @echo Removing old FMX files
+ del *.fmx
+ @echo Creating the new FMX files
+ rem FOR %%F in (*.fmb) DO start /w f45gen32 userid=%1 batch=y module=%%F
+ FOR %%F in (*.fmb) DO start /w ifcmp90.exe userid=%1 module=%%F
+ @echo.
+ @echo Done!!! Remember to move the FMX files into your runtime directory.
+ @echo.
+ :END

2011-05-10, 4862👍, 0💬