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How to Accessing HTML Elements using javascript?
How to Accessing HTML Elements using javascript?
✍: Guest
To do something interesting with HTML elements, we must first be able to uniquely identify which element we want.
In the example below:
<form action="">
<input type="button" id="useless" name="mybutton" value="doNothing" />
We can use the "getElementById" method using the "id" attribute to identify the element (which is generally preferred)
document.getElementById("useless").style.color = "red";
or we can use the "name" attribute to identify the element:
document.forms[0] = "blue";
Here is another example of accessing elements with the DOM object:
<script type="text/javascript" >
function showStatus() {
var selectWidget = document.forms.beerForm.elements["beer"];
var myValue = selectWidget.options[selectWidget.selectedIndex].value;
alert('You drank a \"'+ myValue +"\"");
return true;
<form name="beerForm" action="">
<select name="beer">
<option selected="selected">Select Beer</option>
<option>Amstel Light</option>
<option>Corona Light</option>
<input type="button" name="submitbutton" value="Drink"
onclick="showStatus()" />
2008-09-23, 5082👍, 0💬
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