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.NET Remoting Overview ?
.NET Remoting Overview ? .NET Remoting is very flexible. You have a wide range of communications options and activation methods, as well as full control over a distributed object's lifecycle. You can choose TCP or HTTP communications protocols on any port, using text or binary formatting. The .NET R...
2009-03-27, 4416👍, 0💬

Some Important Notes about .NET
Some Important Notes about .NET The dependence on assembly metadata implies that client applications must understand .NET concepts. As a result, applications that make use of .NET Remoting are not interoperable with other systems. Although it's possible to write an XML Web service using .NET Remotin...
2009-03-26, 4224👍, 0💬

What is Abstract ?
What is Abstract ? NET Remoting provides a powerful and high performance way of working with remote objects. Architecturally, .NET Remote objects are a perfect fit for accessing resources across the network without the overhead posed by SOAP based WebServices. .NET Remoting is easier to use than Jav...
2009-03-26, 4096👍, 0💬

Advantage of Remoting over Web Services ?
Advantage of Remoting over Web Services ? .NET Remoting is a distributed objects infrastructure. It allows processes to share objects—to call methods on and access properties of objects that are hosted in different application domains within the same process, different processes executing on the sam...
2009-03-24, 4189👍, 0💬

Security in Remoting ?
Security in Remoting ? Security is of paramount importance to any distributed application. Although the .NET Remoting infrastructure does not define any security features itself, because distributed applications are managed code they have full access to all of the .NET security features. In addition...
2009-03-24, 4613👍, 0💬

Which is the best place to store ConnectionString in Dot Net Projects?
Which is the best place to store ConnectionString in Dot Net Projects? I am about to deploy my first ASP.NET project. But, I was used to store my variables, such as connection strings, in the global.asa file, in an application. However, these variables are different on my development and production ...
2009-03-18, 7283👍, 0💬

What is dot Net Remoting?
What is dot Net Remoting? NET Remoting is an enabler for application communication. It is a generic system for different applications to use to communicate with one another. .NET objects are exposed to remote processes, thus allowing interprocess communication. The applications can be located on the...
2009-03-11, 4711👍, 0💬

I want to use the Win32 API function .....
When we use windows API in Dot Net? I want to use the Win32 API function : SendMessageToDescendants I want to use it in a VB.Net app, but I have a few questions..... 1) Can one use Win32 API functions in VB.Net 2) Is doing so a "no no" 3) are VB.Net windows, underneath the covers, Win32 windows? and...
2009-03-06, 4954👍, 0💬

What is a thread? How to use and create a thread in .NET?
What is a thread? How to use and create a thread in .NET? Can we use events with threading? Threads - When we want to run one or more instances of a method, we make use of threading. Suppose we have a method like this... Private Sub OnGoingProcess() Dim i As Integer = 1 Do While True ListBox1.Items....
2009-03-06, 5351👍, 0💬

What is the difference between System.String and System.StringBuilder classes?
Difference between System.String & System.StringBuilder Classes? System.String is immutable; System.StringBuilder was designed with the purpose of having a mutable string where a variety of operations can be performed. prefer System.StringBuilder when you are doing lot of string manuplation oper...
2009-03-06, 4781👍, 0💬

What is application domain? Explain.
What is application domain? Explain. An application domain is the CLR equivalent of an operation system's process. An application domain is used to isolate applications from one another. This is the same way an operating system process works. The separation is required so that applications do not af...
2009-03-06, 7296👍, 0💬

Calling unmanaged function from within managed code
Calling unmanaged function from within managed code When we use windows API in Dot Net?Is it managed or un managed code? Have you ever tried to called an unmanaged function (eg: MessageBox function inside the User32.dll ) with in a managed code? Let's try to do that. Open up your Visual studio 2005 ...
2009-03-06, 5130👍, 0💬

What is DCOM Can anybod explain in detail
What is DCOM Can anybod explain in detail Short for Distributed Component Object Model, an extension of the Component Object Model (COM) that allows COM components to communicate across network boundaries. Traditional COM components can only perform interprocess communication across process boundari...
2009-03-06, 4531👍, 0💬

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