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What is CSS
What is CSS? With CSS you can format a XML document.
2007-10-31, 5191👍, 0💬

What is the difference between XML and HTML
What is the difference between XML and HTML? XML describes data while HTML describes how the data should be displayed. So HTML is about displaying information while XML is about describing information.
2007-10-31, 5152👍, 0💬

Which are the namespaces in .NET used for XML
Which are the namespaces in .NET used for XML? “System.xml.dll” is the actual physical file which has all XML implementation. Below are the commonly used namespaces: System.Xml System.Xml.Schema System.Xml.XPath System.Xml.Xsl
2007-10-31, 5119👍, 0💬

What is XML
What is XML? XML (Extensible markup language) is all about describing data. Below is a XML which describes invoice data. &lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> &lt;invoice> &lt;productname>Shoes &lt;qty>12 &lt;totalcost>100 &lt;discount>10 &lt;/invoice> An XML tag...
2007-10-31, 5026👍, 0💬

What is ROOT element in XML
What is ROOT element in XML? In our XML sample given previously &lt;invoice>&lt;/invoi ce>tag is the root element. Root element is the top most elements for a XML.
2007-10-31, 4942👍, 0💬

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