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What Is PL/SQL Language Case Sensitive
What Is PL/SQL Language Case Sensitive? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Understanding PL/SQL Language Basics PL/SQL language is not case sensitive: Reserved words are not case sensitive. For example: CASE and Case are identical. Variable names and other names are not case sensitive. For example: TOTAL_SALARY and...
2007-05-01, 5120👍, 0💬

What Is Consistency
What Is Consistency? Consistency : Assures users that the data they are changing or viewing is not changed until the are through with it.
2007-04-15, 5116👍, 0💬

How To Define Default Values for Formal Parameters
How To Define Default Values for Formal Parameters? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Creating Your Own PL/SQL Procedures and Functions If you have an IN parameter, you can make it as an optional parameter for the calling statement by defining the formal parameter with the DEFAULT clause. This gives you the freedo...
2007-04-21, 5112👍, 0💬

What Happens If Recursive Calls Get Out of Control
What Happens If Recursive Calls Get Out of Control? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Creating Your Own PL/SQL Procedures and Functions What happens if your code has bug on recursive procedure calls, which causes an infinite number nested procedure calls? The answer is so good. Oracle server seems to offer no prot...
2007-04-25, 5109👍, 0💬

How Many Types of Cursors Supported in PL/SQL
How Many Types of Cursors Supported in PL/SQL? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Working with Cursors in PL/SQL PL/SQL supports two types of cursors: The implicit cursor - A single default cursor that automatically connects to the last DML statement executed. Explicit cursors - User defined cursors with specific D...
2007-04-29, 5086👍, 0💬

What Is a Cursor Variable
What Is a Cursor Variable? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Working with Cursors in PL/SQL A cursor variable is a variable of a specific REF CURSOR data type, which is a pointer to a data structure resource connects to query statement result, similar to the CURSOR data type.. The advantage of using cursor variabl...
2007-04-28, 5080👍, 0💬

What Are the Execution Control Statements
What Are the Execution Control Statements? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Understanding PL/SQL Language Basics PL/SQL supports three groups of execution control statements: IF Statements - Conditionally executes a block of statements. CASE Statements - Selectively executes a block of statements. LOOP Statements...
2007-04-30, 5038👍, 0💬

How To Run the Anonymous Block Again
How To Run the Anonymous Block Again? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Introduction to PL/SQL If you have an anonymous block defined in your session, you can run it any time by using the "/" command as shown in the following script: SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> begin 2 dbms_output.put_line('This is a PL/SQL FAQ...
2007-04-25, 5024👍, 0💬

How To Call a Stored Function
How To Call a Stored Function? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Creating Your Own PL/SQL Procedures and Functions A stored function can be called as part of expression in any PL/SQL statement. One simplest way to call a stored function is to a dummy SELECT statement as shown in the following tutorial script using...
2007-04-26, 5022👍, 0💬

How To Update a Table Row with a Record
How To Update a Table Row with a Record? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Working with Database Objects in PL/SQL If you have a RECORD variable with data fields matching a table structure, you can update a row in this table with this RECORD variable using the UPDATE ... SET ROW statement as shown in the sample sc...
2007-04-26, 5021👍, 0💬

How To Use "WHILE" Statements
How To Use "WHILE" Statements? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Understanding PL/SQL Language Basics If you have a block of codes to be executed repeatedly based a condition, you can use the "WHILE ... LOOP" statement. Here is a sample script on WHILE statements: DECLARE total NUMBER; BEGIN total := 0; WHILE tota...
2007-04-29, 5006👍, 0💬

What Is Rollback
What Is Rollback? Rollback causes work in the current transaction to be undone.
2007-04-15, 5003👍, 0💬

How To Execute a Stored Procedure
How To Execute a Stored Procedure? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Creating Your Own PL/SQL Procedures and Functions If you want to execute a stored procedure, you can use the EXECUTE statement. The example script below shows how to executes a stored procedure: SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> CREATE PROCEDURE Gre...
2007-04-26, 4972👍, 0💬

What Is a Function
What Is a Function? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Understanding PL/SQL Language Basics A function is a named program unit. It consists of three parts: Declaration Part - Defining the function name, calling parameters, return value type, local variables and local procedures. Declaration part is required. Execut...
2007-04-30, 4968👍, 0💬

How To Use "OUT" Parameter Properly
How To Use "OUT" Parameter Properly? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Creating Your Own PL/SQL Procedures and Functions Here are the rules about OUT parameters: A formal OUT parameter acts like an un-initialized variable. It must be assigned with new values before the end of the procedure or function. An actual O...
2007-04-21, 4966👍, 0💬

How Many Scalar Data Types Are Supported in PL/SQL
How Many Scalar Data Types Are Supported in PL/SQL? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Understanding PL/SQL Language Basics PL/SQL supports many scalar data types divided into 4 groups: Numeric Types: BINARY_DOUBLE, BINARY_FLOAT, BINARY_INTEGER, DEC, DECIMAL, DOUBLE PRECISION, FLOAT, INT, INTEGER, NATURAL, NATURALN...
2007-04-30, 4964👍, 0💬

How To Assign Values to Data Fields in RECORD Variables
How To Assign Values to Data Fields in RECORD Variables? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Working with Database Objects in PL/SQL If a variable is a RECORD variable, you can assign values to its data fields by using fields names prefixed with variable name as "variable.field_name". Here is a sample script assigni...
2007-04-27, 4956👍, 0💬

How To Create a Stored Procedure
How To Create a Stored Procedure? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Creating Your Own PL/SQL Procedures and Functions A stored procedure is a procedure with a specified name and stored into the current database. If you want to create a stored procedure, you can use the CREATE PROCEDURE statement. The example scrip...
2007-04-26, 4944👍, 0💬

How To Create a Stored Function
How To Create a Stored Function? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Creating Your Own PL/SQL Procedures and Functions A stored function is a function with a specified name and stored into the current database. If you want to create a stored function, you can use the CREATE FUNCTION statement. The example script bel...
2007-04-26, 4904👍, 0💬

How To Loop through a Cursor Variable
How To Loop through a Cursor Variable? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Working with Cursors in PL/SQL Once a cursor variable is opened with a query statement, it will have the same attributes as a normal cursor and it can be used in the same way a normal cursor too. The following sample script shows you how to l...
2007-04-28, 4900👍, 0💬

What Is a Join
What Is a Join? Join is the form of SELECT command that combines info from two or more tables. Types of Joins are Simple (Equijoin and Non-Equijoin), Outer and Self join. Equijoin returns rows from two or more tables joined together based upon a equality condition in the WHERE clause. Non-Equijoin r...
2007-04-15, 4889👍, 0💬

How To Pass Parameters to Procedures
How To Pass Parameters to Procedures? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Creating Your Own PL/SQL Procedures and Functions Store procedures or functions can take parameters. You need to define parameters while defining the procedure, and providing values to parameters while calling the procedure. The script below s...
2007-04-26, 4886👍, 0💬

How To Pass Parameters to Procedures
How To Pass Parameters to Procedures? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Introduction to PL/SQL Store procedures or functions can take parameters. You need to define parameters while defining the procedure, and providing values to parameters while calling the procedure. The script below shows you how to do this: SQ...
2007-04-26, 4885👍, 0💬

What Happens If Variable Names Collide with Table/Column Names
What Happens If Variable Names Collide with Table/Column Names? - Oracle DBA FAQ - Working with Database Objects in PL/SQL When a variable name collides with a column name, PL/SQL will use it as the variable if it is used where variable is allowed; It will be used as the column, if it is used where ...
2007-04-28, 4875👍, 0💬

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