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Other Resources:
What is CDATA section in XML
What is CDATA section in XML? All data is normally parsed in XML but if you want to exclude some elements you will need to put those elements in CDATA. 2007-10-31, 5260👍, 0💬
What is element and attributes in XML
What is element and attributes in XML? In the below example invoice is the element and the invnumber the attribute. <invoice invnumber=1002></invoic e> 2007-10-31, 5235👍, 0💬
What is CSS
What is CSS? With CSS you can format a XML document. 2007-10-31, 5223👍, 0💬
What is ROOT element in XML
What is ROOT element in XML? In our XML sample given previously <invoice></invoi ce>tag is the root element. Root element is the top most elements for a XML. 2007-10-31, 4963👍, 0💬
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