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How do you write a function that can reverse a linked-list?
How do you write a function that can reverse a linked-list?
✍: Guest
Answer1: void reverselist(void) { if(head==0) return; if(head-<next==0) return; if(head-<next==tail) { head-<next = 0; tail-<next = head; } else { node* pre = head; node* cur = head-<next; node* curnext = cur-<next; head-<next = 0; cur-<next = head; for(; curnext!=0; ) { cur-<next = pre; pre = cur; cur = curnext; curnext = curnext-<next; } curnext-<next = cur; } } Answer2: node* reverselist(node* head) { if(0==head || 0==head->next) //if head->next ==0 should return head instead of 0; return 0; { node* prev = head; node* curr = head->next; node* next = curr->next; for(; next!=0; ) { curr->next = prev; prev = curr; curr = next; next = next->next; } curr->next = prev; head->next = 0; head = curr; } return head; }
2012-01-17, 2652👍, 0💬
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