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How To Test If a Variable Is an Array
How To Test If a Variable Is an Array? - PHP Script Tips - Understanding PHP Arrays and Their Basic Operations
Testing if a variable is an array is easy. Just use the is_array() function. Here is a PHP script on how to use is_array():
<?php $var = array(0,0,7); print("Test 1: ". is_array($var)."\n"); $var = array(); print("Test 2: ". is_array($var)."\n"); $var = 1800; print("Test 3: ". is_array($var)."\n"); $var = true; print("Test 4: ". is_array($var)."\n"); $var = null; print("Test 5: ". is_array($var)."\n"); $var = "PHP"; print("Test 6: ". is_array($var)."\n"); print("\n"); ?>
This script will print:
Test 1: 1 Test 2: 1 Test 3: Test 4: Test 5: Test 6:
2007-04-20, 4940👍, 0💬
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