What Are List Elements


What Are List Elements? - XHTML 1.0 Tutorials - Understanding Lists and List Items

✍: FYICenter.com


XHTML 1.0 offers 3 list elements:

  • "ol" - Ordered List: A list of items with leading sequential numbers.
  • "ul" - Unordered List: A list of items with leading bullets.
  • "dl" - Definition List: A list of items with leading terms.

Here are some generic rules about list elements:

  • List elements are block level elements.
  • List elements can not have text contents.
  • A list element must have at least one list item element.
  • List item elements are flow type elements, which allows both block level and inline level elements as its sub-elements.

2007-05-12, 4629👍, 0💬