What Is "mysql"


What Is "mysql"? - MySQL FAQs - Administrator Tools for Managing MySQL Server

✍: FYIcenter.com


"mysql" is a command-line interface for end users to manage user data objects. You can use "mysql" to run any standard SQL statements against the server. For example, you use the following SQL statements to manage tables and table rows:

  • "CREATE TABLE links (name VARCHAR(80));" - Creates a table called "links" with one column.
  • "INSERT INTO links VALUES ('dba.fyicenter.com');" - Inserts a table row into "links" table.
  • "SELECT * FROM links;" - Selects all rows from "links" table and displays them on the screen.
  • "DELETE FROM links;" - Deletes all rows from "links" table.

"mysql" also allows you to run many non-SQL commands to gather information on your data objects. Here are some good examples:

  • "SHOW DATABASES;" - Displays all databases in your MySQL server.
  • "USE databaseName;" - Uses the specified database as the current database.
  • "SHOW TABLES;" - Displays all table in the current database.
  • "DESCRIBE links;" - Displays column information of the specified table.

To know about "mysql", read other parts of this FAQ collection.

2007-05-11, 4748👍, 0💬