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How To Receive a Cookie from the Browser
How To Receive a Cookie from the Browser? - PHP Script Tips - Understanding and Managing Cookies If you know that a cookie has been sent to the browser when it was visiting the server previously, you can check the built-in $_COOKIE array, which contains all cookies that were sent by the server previ...
2007-04-25, 4783👍, 0💬

How To Send a Cookie to the Browser
How To Send a Cookie to the Browser? - PHP Script Tips - Understanding and Managing Cookies If you want to sent a cookie to the browser when it comes to request your PHP page, you can use the setcookie( ) function. Note that you should call setcookie() function before any output statements. The foll...
2007-04-25, 4872👍, 0💬

How To Test Cookies on a Web Server
How To Test Cookies on a Web Server? - PHP Script Tips - Understanding and Managing Cookies If you want to test cookies with a browser, you need to run a Web server locally, or have access to a Web server remotely. Then you can copy the following PHP cookie test page, setting_receiving_cookies.php, ...
2007-04-25, 4738👍, 0💬

What Is a Persistent Cookie
What Is a Persistent Cookie? - PHP Script Tips - Understanding and Managing Cookies A persistent cookie is a cookie which is stored in a cookie file permanently on the browser's computer. By default, cookies are created as temporary cookies which stored only in the browser's memory. When the browser...
2007-04-25, 5005👍, 0💬

What Is a Cookie
What Is a Cookie? - PHP Script Tips - Understanding and Managing Cookies A cookie is a small amount of information sent by a Web server to a web browser and then sent back unchanged by the browser each time it accesses that server. HTTP cookies are used for authenticating, tracking, and maintaining ...
2007-04-25, 4935👍, 0💬

How To Set a Persistent Cookie
How To Set a Persistent Cookie? - PHP Script Tips - Understanding and Managing Cookies If you want to set a persistent cookie, you can use the setcookie() function with an extra parameter to specify its expiration time. To follow sample script sets 2 persistent cookies to be expired within 7 days: s...
2007-04-25, 4857👍, 0💬

How To Test Persistent Cookies
How To Test Persistent Cookies? - PHP Script Tips - Understanding and Managing Cookies If you want to test persistent cookies, you can copy the following PHP script, setting_persistent_cookies.php ,to your Web server: <?php setcookie("LoginName","FYICent er");setcookie("PreferredColor","Bl ue"...
2007-04-25, 4919👍, 0💬

How To Remove a Cookie
How To Remove a Cookie? - PHP Script Tips - Understanding and Managing Cookies Once a cookie is sent from the server to the browser, there is no direct way for the server to ask the browser to remove the cookie. But you can use the setcookie() function to send the same cookie to browser with a negat...
2007-04-24, 4934👍, 0💬

What Are Domain and Path Attributes for Cookies
What Are Domain and Path Attributes for Cookies? - PHP Script Tips - Understanding and Managing Cookies Cookies can also be defined with two other attributes: Domain - A cookie attribute that defines the domain name of Web servers where this cookie is valid. Web browsers holding this cookie should n...
2007-04-24, 5363👍, 0💬

What Is the Common Mistake When Setting Path and Domain on Temporary Cookies
What Is the Common Mistake When Setting Path and Domain on Temporary Cookies? - PHP Script Tips - Understanding and Managing Cookies A common mistake made by many PHP developers is using an empty string for the expiration time parameter when setting path and domain for temporary cookies. The PHP scr...
2007-04-24, 4912👍, 0💬

How To Specify Domain and Path for a Cookie
How To Specify Domain and Path for a Cookie? - PHP Script Tips - Understanding and Managing Cookies If you want to specify domain and path for cookie, you can use the setcookie() function with two extra parameters. The sample PHP script below shows you how to set the domain and path attributes for t...
2007-04-24, 4900👍, 0💬

How Cookies Are Transported from Servers to Browsers
How Cookies Are Transported from Servers to Browsers? - PHP Script Tips - Understanding and Managing Cookies Cookies are transported from a Web server to a Web browser in the header area of the HTTP response message. Each cookie will be included in a separate "Set-Cookie:" header line in the followi...
2007-04-24, 4685👍, 0💬

How To View Cookie Header Lines
How To View Cookie Header Lines? - PHP Script Tips - Understanding and Managing Cookies If you are interested to see the cookie header lines, or you are having trouble with your cookies and need to see the cookies to help debugging, you can run your script with PHP CGI interface in a command line wi...
2007-04-24, 4887👍, 0💬

Where Are the Persistent Cookies Stored on Your Computer
Where Are the Persistent Cookies Stored on Your Computer? - PHP Script Tips - Understanding and Managing Cookies The location and file names where persistent cookies are stored on your computer depend on which browser you are using. If you using Microsoft Internet Explorer, persistent cookies are st...
2007-04-24, 5420👍, 0💬

How Cookies Are Transported from Browsers to Servers
How Cookies Are Transported from Browsers to Servers? - PHP Script Tips - Understanding and Managing Cookies Cookies are transported from a Web browser to a Web server in the header area of the HTTP request message. Each cookie will be included in a separate "Cookie:" header line in the following fo...
2007-04-24, 4908👍, 0💬

How To Delete Cookie Files on Your Computer
How To Delete Cookie Files on Your Computer? - PHP Script Tips - Understanding and Managing Cookies A simple way to delete cookie files on your computer is to use the function offered by the IE browser. The following tutorial exercise shows you how to delete cookie files created by IE: Open IE (Inte...
2007-04-24, 4712👍, 0💬

How View the Content of a Cookie File
How View the Content of a Cookie File? - PHP Script Tips - Understanding and Managing Cookies Cookie files are normal text files. You can view them with any text editor. Follow the steps below to see what is in a cookie file created by your own PHP script. Copy the following sample script, setting_p...
2007-04-24, 4904👍, 0💬

How Does FireFox Manage Cookies
How Does FireFox Manage Cookies? - PHP Script Tips - Understanding and Managing Cookies FireFox browser allows you to delete old cookies, and gives you options to keep persistent cookies in cookie files until they reach their expiration time. The following tutorial shows you how to manage cookies in...
2007-04-24, 4831👍, 0💬

In Which Does File FireFox Store Persistent Cookies
In Which Does File FireFox Store Persistent Cookies? - PHP Script Tips - Understanding and Managing Cookies If you change FireFox to keep cookies "until they expire", FireFox will store persistent cookies from all Web servers in a single file at: \Documents and Settings\$user\Application Data\Mozill...
2007-04-24, 5029👍, 0💬

How Many Cookies Can You Set
How Many Cookies Can You Set? - PHP Script Tips - Understanding and Managing Cookies How many cookies can you set in your PHP page? The answer is depending what is the Web browser your visitor is using. Each browser has its own limit: Internet Explorere (IE): 20 Mozilla FireFox: 50 If you want to te...
2007-04-24, 5102👍, 0💬

How Large Can a Single Cookie Be
How Large Can a Single Cookie Be? - PHP Script Tips - Understanding and Managing Cookies How large can a single cookie be? The answer is depending what is the Web browser your visitor is using. Each browser has its own limit: Internet Explorere (IE): about 3904 bytes Mozilla FireFox: about 3136 byte...
2007-04-24, 8423👍, 0💬

How Are Cookies Encoded During Transportation
How Are Cookies Encoded During Transportation? - PHP Script Tips - Understanding and Managing Cookies When cookies are transported from servers to browsers and from browsers back to servers, Cookies values are always encoded using the URL encoding standard to ensure that they are transported accurat...
2007-04-24, 4974👍, 0💬

How Can Other Webmaster Steal Your Cookies
How Can Other Webmaster Steal Your Cookies? - PHP Script Tips - Understanding and Managing Cookies All browsers are following the security rule that your cookies are sent back only to your Web servers. They will not be sent to other Webmaster's Web server directly. However, other Webmaster may desig...
2007-04-23, 5307👍, 0💬

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