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Which HTML Tag Allows Users to Specify a File for Uploading
Which HTML Tag Allows Users to Specify a File for Uploading? - PHP Script Tips - Uploading Files to Web Servers
To present an input field on your Web page to allow users to specify a local file to upload, you need to use the <INPUT TYPE="FILE" ...> tag inside a <FORM ...> tag. The <INPUT TYPE="FILE" ...> will be displayed as a text input field followed by a button called "Browse...". Users can either enter the full path name of a local file, or click Browse button to go through a dialog box to select a file interactively. The following PHP code shows you a good example of the file upload tag:
<?php print("<html><form>\n"); print("<input type=file>\n"); print("<input type=submit>\n"); print("</form></html>\n"); ?>
If you copy this script to PHP file and test it on your Web server, you should see a file upload field.
2007-04-19, 4964👍, 0💬
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