Output and Logfiles for requests executed on source Instance not working on cloned Instance


Output and Logfiles for requests executed on source Instance not working on cloned Instance

✍: Guest


Here is exact problem description - You cloned an Oracle Apps Instance from PRODBOX to another box with Instance name say CLONEBOX on 1st of August. You can any CM logs/output files after 1st of August only becuase these all are generated on CLONEBOX itself, But unable to view the logs/output files which are prior to 1st August. What will you do and where to check ?
Log , Output file path and location is stored in table FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS. Check select logfile_name, logfile_node_name, outfile_name, outfile_node_name from fnd_concurrent_requests where request_id=&requestid ; where requestid is id of request for which you are not able to see log or out files. You should see output like /u01/PRODBOX/log/l123456.req, host1,/u01/PRODBOX/out/o123456.out, host1

Update it according to your cloned Instance Variables.

2011-12-16, 3318👍, 0💬